fastNLP.embeddings.elmo_embedding 源代码

.. todo::

__all__ = [

import codecs
import json
import os

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F

from .contextual_embedding import ContextualEmbedding
from ..core import logger
from ..core.vocabulary import Vocabulary
from import cached_path, _get_embedding_url, PRETRAINED_ELMO_MODEL_DIR
from ..modules.encoder._elmo import ElmobiLm, ConvTokenEmbedder

[文档]class ElmoEmbedding(ContextualEmbedding): r""" 使用ELMo的embedding。初始化之后,只需要传入words就可以得到对应的embedding。 当前支持的使用名称初始化的模型: .. code:: en: 即en-medium hidden_size 1024; output_size 12 en-medium: hidden_size 2048; output_size 256 en-origial: hidden_size 4096; output_size 512 en-original-5.5b: hidden_size 4096; output_size 512 en-small: hidden_size 1024; output_size 128 Example:: >>> import torch >>> from fastNLP import Vocabulary >>> from fastNLP.embeddings import ElmoEmbedding >>> vocab = Vocabulary().add_word_lst("The whether is good .".split()) >>> # 使用不同层的concat的结果 >>> embed = ElmoEmbedding(vocab, model_dir_or_name='en', layers='1,2', requires_grad=False) >>> words = torch.LongTensor([[vocab.to_index(word) for word in "The whether is good .".split()]]) >>> outputs = embed(words) >>> outputs.size() >>> # torch.Size([1, 5, 2048]) >>> # 使用不同层的weighted sum。 >>> embed = ElmoEmbedding(vocab, model_dir_or_name='en', layers='mix', requires_grad=False) >>> embed.set_mix_weights_requires_grad() # 使得weighted的权重是可以学习的,但ELMO的LSTM部分是不更新 """
[文档] def __init__(self, vocab: Vocabulary, model_dir_or_name: str = 'en', layers: str = '2', requires_grad: bool = True, word_dropout=0.0, dropout=0.0, cache_word_reprs: bool = False): r""" :param vocab: 词表 :param model_dir_or_name: 可以有两种方式调用预训练好的ELMo embedding:第一种是传入ELMo所在文件夹,该文件夹下面应该有两个文件, 其中一个是以json为后缀的配置文件,另一个是以pkl为后缀的权重文件;第二种是传入ELMo版本的名称,将自动查看缓存中是否存在该模型, 没有的话将自动下载并缓存。 :param layers: str, 指定返回的层数(从0开始), 以,隔开不同的层。如果要返回第二层的结果'2', 返回后两层的结果'1,2'。不同的层的结果 按照这个顺序concat起来,默认为'2'。'mix'会使用可学习的权重结合不同层的表示(权重是否可训练与requires_grad保持一致, 初始化权重对三层结果进行mean-pooling, 可以通过ElmoEmbedding.set_mix_weights_requires_grad()方法只将mix weights设置为可学习。) :param requires_grad: bool, 该层是否需要gradient, 默认为False. :param float word_dropout: 以多大的概率将一个词替换为unk。这样既可以训练unk也是一定的regularize。 :param float dropout: 以多大的概率对embedding的表示进行Dropout。0.1即随机将10%的值置为0。 :param cache_word_reprs: 可以选择对word的表示进行cache; 设置为True的话,将在初始化的时候为每个word生成对应的embedding, 并删除character encoder,之后将直接使用cache的embedding。默认为False。 """ super(ElmoEmbedding, self).__init__(vocab, word_dropout=word_dropout, dropout=dropout) # 根据model_dir_or_name检查是否存在并下载 if model_dir_or_name.lower() in PRETRAINED_ELMO_MODEL_DIR: model_url = _get_embedding_url('elmo', model_dir_or_name.lower()) model_dir = cached_path(model_url, name='embedding') # 检查是否存在 elif os.path.isdir(os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(model_dir_or_name))): model_dir = model_dir_or_name else: raise ValueError(f"Cannot recognize {model_dir_or_name}.") self.model = _ElmoModel(model_dir, vocab, cache_word_reprs=cache_word_reprs) num_layers = self.model.encoder.num_layers if layers == 'mix': self.layer_weights = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(self.model.config['lstm']['n_layers'] + 1), requires_grad=requires_grad) self.gamma = nn.Parameter(torch.ones(1), requires_grad=requires_grad) self._get_outputs = self._get_mixed_outputs self._embed_size = self.model.config['lstm']['projection_dim'] * 2 else: layers = list(map(int, layers.split(','))) assert len(layers) > 0, "Must choose at least one output, but got None." for layer in layers: assert 0 <= layer <= num_layers, f"Layer index should be in range [0, {num_layers}], but got {layer}." self.layers = layers self._get_outputs = self._get_layer_outputs self._embed_size = len(self.layers) * self.model.config['lstm']['projection_dim'] * 2 self.requires_grad = requires_grad
def _get_mixed_outputs(self, outputs): # outputs: num_layers x batch_size x max_len x hidden_size # return: batch_size x max_len x hidden_size weights = F.softmax(self.layer_weights + 1 / len(outputs), dim=0).to(outputs) outputs = torch.einsum('l,lbij->bij', weights, outputs) return * outputs
[文档] def set_mix_weights_requires_grad(self, flag=True): r""" 当初始化ElmoEmbedding时layers被设置为mix时,可以通过调用该方法设置mix weights是否可训练。如果layers不是mix,调用 该方法没有用。 :param bool flag: 混合不同层表示的结果是否可以训练。 :return: """ if hasattr(self, 'layer_weights'): self.layer_weights.requires_grad = flag self.gamma.requires_grad = flag
def _get_layer_outputs(self, outputs): if len(self.layers) == 1: outputs = outputs[self.layers[0]] else: outputs =[*outputs[self.layers]]), dim=-1) return outputs
[文档] def forward(self, words: torch.LongTensor): r""" 计算words的elmo embedding表示。根据elmo文章中介绍的ELMO实际上是有2L+1层结果,但是为了让结果比较容易拆分,token的 被重复了一次,使得实际上layer=0的结果是[token_embedding;token_embedding], 而layer=1的结果是[forward_hiddens; backward_hiddens]. :param words: batch_size x max_len :return: torch.FloatTensor. batch_size x max_len x (512*len(self.layers)) """ words = self.drop_word(words) outputs = self._get_sent_reprs(words) if outputs is not None: return self.dropout(outputs) outputs = self.model(words) outputs = self._get_outputs(outputs) return self.dropout(outputs)
def _delete_model_weights(self): for name in ['layers', 'model', 'layer_weights', 'gamma']: if hasattr(self, name): delattr(self, name)
class _ElmoModel(nn.Module): r""" 该Module是ElmoEmbedding中进行所有的heavy lifting的地方。做的工作,包括 (1) 根据配置,加载模型; (2) 根据vocab,对模型中的embedding进行调整. 并将其正确初始化 (3) 保存一个words与chars的对应转换,获取时自动进行相应的转换 (4) 设计一个保存token的embedding,允许缓存word的表示。 """ def __init__(self, model_dir: str, vocab: Vocabulary = None, cache_word_reprs: bool = False): super(_ElmoModel, self).__init__() self.model_dir = model_dir dir = os.walk(self.model_dir) config_file = None weight_file = None config_count = 0 weight_count = 0 for path, dir_list, file_list in dir: for file_name in file_list: if file_name.__contains__(".json"): config_file = file_name config_count += 1 elif file_name.__contains__(".pkl"): weight_file = file_name weight_count += 1 if config_count > 1 or weight_count > 1: raise Exception(f"Multiple config files(*.json) or weight files(*.hdf5) detected in {model_dir}.") elif config_count == 0 or weight_count == 0: raise Exception(f"No config file or weight file found in {model_dir}") with open(os.path.join(model_dir, config_file), 'r') as config_f: config = json.load(config_f) self.weight_file = os.path.join(model_dir, weight_file) self.config = config OOV_TAG = '<oov>' PAD_TAG = '<pad>' BOS_TAG = '<bos>' EOS_TAG = '<eos>' BOW_TAG = '<bow>' EOW_TAG = '<eow>' # For the model trained with character-based word encoder. char_lexicon = {} with, 'char.dic'), 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fpi: for line in fpi: tokens = line.strip().split('\t') if len(tokens) == 1: tokens.insert(0, '\u3000') token, i = tokens char_lexicon[token] = int(i) # 做一些sanity check for special_word in [PAD_TAG, OOV_TAG, BOW_TAG, EOW_TAG]: assert special_word in char_lexicon, f"{special_word} not found in char.dic." # 从vocab中构建char_vocab char_vocab = Vocabulary(unknown=OOV_TAG, padding=PAD_TAG) # 需要保证<bow>与<eow>在里面 char_vocab.add_word_lst([BOW_TAG, EOW_TAG, BOS_TAG, EOS_TAG]) for word, index in vocab: char_vocab.add_word_lst(list(word)) self.bos_index, self.eos_index, self._pad_index = len(vocab), len(vocab) + 1, vocab.padding_idx # 根据char_lexicon调整, 多设置一位,是预留给word padding的(该位置的char表示为全0表示) char_emb_layer = nn.Embedding(len(char_vocab) + 1, int(config['char_cnn']['embedding']['dim']), padding_idx=len(char_vocab)) # 读入预训练权重 这里的elmo_model 包含char_cnn和 lstm 的 state_dict elmo_model = torch.load(os.path.join(self.model_dir, weight_file), map_location='cpu') char_embed_weights = elmo_model["char_cnn"]['char_emb_layer.weight'] found_char_count = 0 for char, index in char_vocab: # 调整character embedding if char in char_lexicon: index_in_pre = char_lexicon.get(char) found_char_count += 1 else: index_in_pre = char_lexicon[OOV_TAG][index] = char_embed_weights[index_in_pre]"{found_char_count} out of {len(char_vocab)} characters were found in pretrained elmo embedding.") # 生成words到chars的映射 max_chars = config['char_cnn']['max_characters_per_token'] self.register_buffer('words_to_chars_embedding', torch.full((len(vocab) + 2, max_chars), fill_value=len(char_vocab), dtype=torch.long)) for word, index in list(iter(vocab)) + [(BOS_TAG, len(vocab)), (EOS_TAG, len(vocab) + 1)]: if len(word) + 2 > max_chars: word = word[:max_chars - 2] if index == self._pad_index: continue elif word == BOS_TAG or word == EOS_TAG: char_ids = [char_vocab.to_index(BOW_TAG)] + [char_vocab.to_index(word)] + [ char_vocab.to_index(EOW_TAG)] char_ids += [char_vocab.to_index(PAD_TAG)] * (max_chars - len(char_ids)) else: char_ids = [char_vocab.to_index(BOW_TAG)] + [char_vocab.to_index(c) for c in word] + [ char_vocab.to_index(EOW_TAG)] char_ids += [char_vocab.to_index(PAD_TAG)] * (max_chars - len(char_ids)) self.words_to_chars_embedding[index] = torch.LongTensor(char_ids) self.char_vocab = char_vocab self.token_embedder = ConvTokenEmbedder( config, self.weight_file, None, char_emb_layer) elmo_model["char_cnn"]['char_emb_layer.weight'] = char_emb_layer.weight self.token_embedder.load_state_dict(elmo_model["char_cnn"]) self.output_dim = config['lstm']['projection_dim'] # lstm encoder self.encoder = ElmobiLm(config) self.encoder.load_state_dict(elmo_model["lstm"]) if cache_word_reprs: if config['char_cnn']['embedding']['dim'] > 0: # 只有在使用了chars的情况下有用"Start to generate cache word representations.") batch_size = 320 # bos eos word_size = self.words_to_chars_embedding.size(0) num_batches = word_size // batch_size + \ int(word_size % batch_size != 0) self.cached_word_embedding = nn.Embedding(word_size, config['lstm']['projection_dim']) with torch.no_grad(): for i in range(num_batches): words = torch.arange(i * batch_size, min((i + 1) * batch_size, word_size)).long() chars = self.words_to_chars_embedding[words].unsqueeze(1) # batch_size x 1 x max_chars word_reprs = self.token_embedder(words.unsqueeze(1), chars).detach() # batch_size x 1 x config['encoder']['projection_dim'][words] = word_reprs.squeeze(1)"Finish generating cached word representations. Going to delete the character encoder.") del self.token_embedder, self.words_to_chars_embedding else:"There is no need to cache word representations, since no character information is used.") def forward(self, words): r""" :param words: batch_size x max_len :return: num_layers x batch_size x max_len x hidden_size """ # 扩展<bos>, <eos> batch_size, max_len = words.size() expanded_words = words.new_zeros(batch_size, max_len + 2) # 因为pad一定为0, seq_len = expanded_words[:, 1:-1] = words expanded_words[:, 0].fill_(self.bos_index) expanded_words[torch.arange(batch_size).to(words), seq_len + 1] = self.eos_index seq_len = seq_len + 2 zero_tensor = expanded_words.new_zeros(expanded_words.shape) mask = (expanded_words == zero_tensor).unsqueeze(-1) if hasattr(self, 'cached_word_embedding'): token_embedding = self.cached_word_embedding(expanded_words) else: if hasattr(self, 'words_to_chars_embedding'): chars = self.words_to_chars_embedding[expanded_words] else: chars = None token_embedding = self.token_embedder(expanded_words, chars) # batch_size x max_len x embed_dim encoder_output = self.encoder(token_embedding, seq_len) if encoder_output.size(2) < max_len + 2: num_layers, _, output_len, hidden_size = encoder_output.size() dummy_tensor = encoder_output.new_zeros(num_layers, batch_size, max_len + 2 - output_len, hidden_size) encoder_output =, dummy_tensor), 2) sz = encoder_output.size() # 2, batch_size, max_len, hidden_size token_embedding = token_embedding.masked_fill(mask, 0) token_embedding =, token_embedding), dim=2).view(1, sz[1], sz[2], sz[3]) encoder_output =, encoder_output), dim=0) # 删除<eos>, <bos>. 这里没有精确地删除,但应该也不会影响最后的结果了。 encoder_output = encoder_output[:, :, 1:-1] return encoder_output