
.. todo::

__all__ = [

import os
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Union, Dict

from ..core import logger

[文档]def check_loader_paths(paths: Union[str, Dict[str, str]]) -> Dict[str, str]: r""" 检查传入dataloader的文件的合法性。如果为合法路径,将返回至少包含'train'这个key的dict。类似于下面的结果:: { 'train': '/some/path/to/', # 一定包含,建词表应该在这上面建立,剩下的其它文件应该只需要处理并index。 'test': 'xxx' # 可能有,也可能没有 ... } 如果paths为不合法的,将直接进行raise相应的错误. 如果paths内不包含train也会报错。 :param str paths: 路径. 可以为一个文件路径(则认为该文件就是train的文件); 可以为一个文件目录,将在该目录下寻找包含train(文件名 中包含train这个字段), test, dev这三个字段的文件或文件夹; 可以为一个dict, 则key是用户自定义的某个文件的名称,value是这个文件的路径。 :return: """ if isinstance(paths, (str, Path)): paths = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(paths)) if os.path.isfile(paths): return {'train': paths} elif os.path.isdir(paths): filenames = os.listdir(paths) filenames.sort() files = {} for filename in filenames: path_pair = None if 'train' in filename: path_pair = ('train', filename) if 'dev' in filename: if path_pair: raise Exception( "Directory:{} in {} contains both `{}` and `dev`.".format(filename, paths, path_pair[0])) path_pair = ('dev', filename) if 'test' in filename: if path_pair: raise Exception( "Directory:{} in {} contains both `{}` and `test`.".format(filename, paths, path_pair[0])) path_pair = ('test', filename) if path_pair: if path_pair[0] in files: raise FileExistsError(f"Two files contain `{path_pair[0]}` were found, please specify the " f"filepath for `{path_pair[0]}`.") files[path_pair[0]] = os.path.join(paths, path_pair[1]) if 'train' not in files: raise KeyError(f"There is no train file in {paths}.") return files else: raise FileNotFoundError(f"{paths} is not a valid file path.") elif isinstance(paths, dict): if paths: if 'train' not in paths: raise KeyError("You have to include `train` in your dict.") for key, value in paths.items(): if isinstance(key, str) and isinstance(value, str): value = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(value)) if not os.path.exists(value): raise TypeError(f"{value} is not a valid path.") paths[key] = value else: raise TypeError("All keys and values in paths should be str.") return paths else: raise ValueError("Empty paths is not allowed.") else: raise TypeError(f"paths only supports str and dict. not {type(paths)}.")