fastNLP.modules.encoder.star_transformer 源代码

Star-Transformer 的encoder部分的 Pytorch 实现

__all__ = [

import numpy as NP
import torch
from torch import nn
from torch.nn import functional as F

[文档]class StarTransformer(nn.Module): r""" Star-Transformer 的encoder部分。 输入3d的文本输入, 返回相同长度的文本编码 paper: """
[文档] def __init__(self, hidden_size, num_layers, num_head, head_dim, dropout=0.1, max_len=None): r""" :param int hidden_size: 输入维度的大小。同时也是输出维度的大小。 :param int num_layers: star-transformer的层数 :param int num_head: head的数量。 :param int head_dim: 每个head的维度大小。 :param float dropout: dropout 概率. Default: 0.1 :param int max_len: int or None, 如果为int,输入序列的最大长度, 模型会为输入序列加上position embedding。 若为`None`,忽略加上position embedding的步骤. Default: `None` """ super(StarTransformer, self).__init__() self.iters = num_layers self.norm = nn.ModuleList([nn.LayerNorm(hidden_size, eps=1e-6) for _ in range(self.iters)]) # self.emb_fc = nn.Conv2d(hidden_size, hidden_size, 1) self.emb_drop = nn.Dropout(dropout) self.ring_att = nn.ModuleList( [_MSA1(hidden_size, nhead=num_head, head_dim=head_dim, dropout=0.0) for _ in range(self.iters)]) self.star_att = nn.ModuleList( [_MSA2(hidden_size, nhead=num_head, head_dim=head_dim, dropout=0.0) for _ in range(self.iters)]) if max_len is not None: self.pos_emb = nn.Embedding(max_len, hidden_size) else: self.pos_emb = None
[文档] def forward(self, data, mask): r""" :param FloatTensor data: [batch, length, hidden] 输入的序列 :param ByteTensor mask: [batch, length] 输入序列的padding mask, 在没有内容(padding 部分) 为 0, 否则为 1 :return: [batch, length, hidden] 编码后的输出序列 [batch, hidden] 全局 relay 节点, 详见论文 """ def norm_func(f, x): # B, H, L, 1 return f(x.permute(0, 2, 3, 1)).permute(0, 3, 1, 2) B, L, H = data.size() mask = (mask.eq(False)) # flip the mask for masked_fill_ smask =[torch.zeros(B, 1, ).byte().to(mask), mask], 1) embs = data.permute(0, 2, 1)[:, :, :, None] # B H L 1 if self.pos_emb: P = self.pos_emb(torch.arange(L, dtype=torch.long, device=embs.device) \ .view(1, L)).permute(0, 2, 1).contiguous()[:, :, :, None] # 1 H L 1 embs = embs + P embs = norm_func(self.emb_drop, embs) nodes = embs relay = embs.mean(2, keepdim=True) ex_mask = mask[:, None, :, None].expand(B, H, L, 1) r_embs = embs.view(B, H, 1, L) for i in range(self.iters): ax =[r_embs, relay.expand(B, H, 1, L)], 2) nodes = F.leaky_relu(self.ring_att[i](norm_func(self.norm[i], nodes), ax=ax)) # nodes = F.leaky_relu(self.ring_att[i](nodes, ax=ax)) relay = F.leaky_relu(self.star_att[i](relay,[relay, nodes], 2), smask)) nodes = nodes.masked_fill_(ex_mask, 0) nodes = nodes.view(B, H, L).permute(0, 2, 1) return nodes, relay.view(B, H)
class _MSA1(nn.Module): def __init__(self, nhid, nhead=10, head_dim=10, dropout=0.1): super(_MSA1, self).__init__() # Multi-head Self Attention Case 1, doing self-attention for small regions # Due to the architecture of GPU, using hadamard production and summation are faster than dot production when unfold_size is very small self.WQ = nn.Conv2d(nhid, nhead * head_dim, 1) self.WK = nn.Conv2d(nhid, nhead * head_dim, 1) self.WV = nn.Conv2d(nhid, nhead * head_dim, 1) self.WO = nn.Conv2d(nhead * head_dim, nhid, 1) self.drop = nn.Dropout(dropout) # print('NUM_HEAD', nhead, 'DIM_HEAD', head_dim) self.nhid, self.nhead, self.head_dim, self.unfold_size = nhid, nhead, head_dim, 3 def forward(self, x, ax=None): # x: B, H, L, 1, ax : B, H, X, L append features nhid, nhead, head_dim, unfold_size = self.nhid, self.nhead, self.head_dim, self.unfold_size B, H, L, _ = x.shape q, k, v = self.WQ(x), self.WK(x), self.WV(x) # x: (B,H,L,1) if ax is not None: aL = ax.shape[2] ak = self.WK(ax).view(B, nhead, head_dim, aL, L) av = self.WV(ax).view(B, nhead, head_dim, aL, L) q = q.view(B, nhead, head_dim, 1, L) k = F.unfold(k.view(B, nhead * head_dim, L, 1), (unfold_size, 1), padding=(unfold_size // 2, 0)) \ .view(B, nhead, head_dim, unfold_size, L) v = F.unfold(v.view(B, nhead * head_dim, L, 1), (unfold_size, 1), padding=(unfold_size // 2, 0)) \ .view(B, nhead, head_dim, unfold_size, L) if ax is not None: k =[k, ak], 3) v =[v, av], 3) alphas = self.drop(F.softmax((q * k).sum(2, keepdim=True) / NP.sqrt(head_dim), 3)) # B N L 1 U att = (alphas * v).sum(3).view(B, nhead * head_dim, L, 1) ret = self.WO(att) return ret class _MSA2(nn.Module): def __init__(self, nhid, nhead=10, head_dim=10, dropout=0.1): # Multi-head Self Attention Case 2, a broadcastable query for a sequence key and value super(_MSA2, self).__init__() self.WQ = nn.Conv2d(nhid, nhead * head_dim, 1) self.WK = nn.Conv2d(nhid, nhead * head_dim, 1) self.WV = nn.Conv2d(nhid, nhead * head_dim, 1) self.WO = nn.Conv2d(nhead * head_dim, nhid, 1) self.drop = nn.Dropout(dropout) # print('NUM_HEAD', nhead, 'DIM_HEAD', head_dim) self.nhid, self.nhead, self.head_dim, self.unfold_size = nhid, nhead, head_dim, 3 def forward(self, x, y, mask=None): # x: B, H, 1, 1, 1 y: B H L 1 nhid, nhead, head_dim, unfold_size = self.nhid, self.nhead, self.head_dim, self.unfold_size B, H, L, _ = y.shape q, k, v = self.WQ(x), self.WK(y), self.WV(y) q = q.view(B, nhead, 1, head_dim) # B, H, 1, 1 -> B, N, 1, h k = k.view(B, nhead, head_dim, L) # B, H, L, 1 -> B, N, h, L v = v.view(B, nhead, head_dim, L).permute(0, 1, 3, 2) # B, H, L, 1 -> B, N, L, h pre_a = torch.matmul(q, k) / NP.sqrt(head_dim) if mask is not None: pre_a = pre_a.masked_fill(mask[:, None, None, :], -float('inf')) alphas = self.drop(F.softmax(pre_a, 3)) # B, N, 1, L att = torch.matmul(alphas, v).view(B, -1, 1, 1) # B, N, 1, h -> B, N*h, 1, 1 return self.WO(att)