

__all__ = [
    "MRPipe", "R8Pipe", "R52Pipe", "OhsumedPipe", "NG20Pipe"

import re
import warnings

    from nltk import Tree
    # only nltk in some versions can run

from .pipe import Pipe
from .utils import get_tokenizer, _indexize, _add_words_field, _add_chars_field, _granularize
from ..data_bundle import DataBundle
from ..loader.classification import ChnSentiCorpLoader, THUCNewsLoader, WeiboSenti100kLoader
from ..loader.classification import IMDBLoader, YelpFullLoader, SSTLoader, SST2Loader, YelpPolarityLoader, \
    AGsNewsLoader, DBPediaLoader, MRLoader, R52Loader, R8Loader, OhsumedLoader, NG20Loader
from ...core._logger import logger
from ...core.const import Const
from ...core.dataset import DataSet
from ...core.instance import Instance

class CLSBasePipe(Pipe):
    def __init__(self, lower: bool = False, tokenizer: str = 'spacy', lang='en'):
        self.lower = lower
        self.tokenizer = get_tokenizer(tokenizer, lang=lang)
    def _tokenize(self, data_bundle, field_name=Const.INPUT, new_field_name=None):

        :param DataBundle data_bundle:
        :param str field_name:
        :param str new_field_name:
        :return: 传入的DataBundle对象
        new_field_name = new_field_name or field_name
        for name, dataset in data_bundle.datasets.items():
            dataset.apply_field(self.tokenizer, field_name=field_name, new_field_name=new_field_name)
        return data_bundle
    def process(self, data_bundle: DataBundle):

        .. csv-table::
            :header: "raw_words", "target"

            "I got 'new' tires from them and... ", "1"
            "Don't waste your time.  We had two...", "1"
            "...", "..."

        :param data_bundle:
        # 复制一列words
        data_bundle = _add_words_field(data_bundle, lower=self.lower)
        # 进行tokenize
        data_bundle = self._tokenize(data_bundle=data_bundle, field_name=Const.INPUT)
        # 建立词表并index
        data_bundle = _indexize(data_bundle=data_bundle)
        for name, dataset in data_bundle.datasets.items():
        data_bundle.set_input(Const.INPUT, Const.INPUT_LEN)
        return data_bundle
    def process_from_file(self, paths) -> DataBundle:
        传入文件路径,生成处理好的DataBundle对象。paths支持的路径形式可以参考 ::meth:``

        :param paths:
        :return: DataBundle
        raise NotImplementedError

[文档]class YelpFullPipe(CLSBasePipe): r""" 处理YelpFull的数据, 处理之后DataSet中的内容如下 .. csv-table:: 下面是使用YelpFullPipe处理后的DataSet所具备的field :header: "raw_words", "target", "words", "seq_len" "I got 'new' tires from them and within...", 0 ,"[7, 110, 22, 107, 22, 499, 59, 140, 3,...]", 160 " Don't waste your time. We had two dif... ", 0, "[277, 17, 278, 38, 30, 112, 24, 85, 27...", 40 "...", ., "[...]", . dataset的print_field_meta()函数输出的各个field的被设置成input和target的情况为:: +-------------+-----------+--------+-------+---------+ | field_names | raw_words | target | words | seq_len | +-------------+-----------+--------+-------+---------+ | is_input | False | False | True | True | | is_target | False | True | False | False | | ignore_type | | False | False | False | | pad_value | | 0 | 0 | 0 | +-------------+-----------+--------+-------+---------+ """
[文档] def __init__(self, lower: bool = False, granularity=5, tokenizer: str = 'spacy'): r""" :param bool lower: 是否对输入进行小写化。 :param int granularity: 支持2, 3, 5。若为2, 则认为是2分类问题,将1、2归为1类,4、5归为一类,丢掉2;若为3, 则有3分类问题,将 1、2归为1类,3归为1类,4、5归为1类;若为5, 则有5分类问题。 :param str tokenizer: 使用哪种tokenize方式将数据切成单词。支持'spacy'和'raw'。raw使用空格作为切分。 """ super().__init__(lower=lower, tokenizer=tokenizer, lang='en') assert granularity in (2, 3, 5), "granularity can only be 2,3,5." self.granularity = granularity if granularity == 2: self.tag_map = {"1": "negative", "2": "negative", "4": "positive", "5": "positive"} elif granularity == 3: self.tag_map = {"1": "negative", "2": "negative", "3": "medium", "4": "positive", "5": "positive"} else: self.tag_map = None
[文档] def process(self, data_bundle): r""" 传入的DataSet应该具备如下的结构 .. csv-table:: :header: "raw_words", "target" "I got 'new' tires from them and... ", "1" "Don't waste your time. We had two...", "1" "...", "..." :param data_bundle: :return: """ if self.tag_map is not None: data_bundle = _granularize(data_bundle, self.tag_map) data_bundle = super().process(data_bundle) return data_bundle
[文档] def process_from_file(self, paths=None): r""" :param paths: :return: DataBundle """ data_bundle = YelpFullLoader().load(paths) return self.process(data_bundle=data_bundle)
[文档]class YelpPolarityPipe(CLSBasePipe): r""" 处理YelpPolarity的数据, 处理之后DataSet中的内容如下 .. csv-table:: 下面是使用YelpFullPipe处理后的DataSet所具备的field :header: "raw_words", "target", "words", "seq_len" "I got 'new' tires from them and within...", 0 ,"[7, 110, 22, 107, 22, 499, 59, 140, 3,...]", 160 " Don't waste your time. We had two dif... ", 0, "[277, 17, 278, 38, 30, 112, 24, 85, 27...", 40 "...", ., "[...]", . dataset的print_field_meta()函数输出的各个field的被设置成input和target的情况为:: +-------------+-----------+--------+-------+---------+ | field_names | raw_words | target | words | seq_len | +-------------+-----------+--------+-------+---------+ | is_input | False | False | True | True | | is_target | False | True | False | False | | ignore_type | | False | False | False | | pad_value | | 0 | 0 | 0 | +-------------+-----------+--------+-------+---------+ """
[文档] def __init__(self, lower: bool = False, tokenizer: str = 'spacy'): r""" :param bool lower: 是否对输入进行小写化。 :param str tokenizer: 使用哪种tokenize方式将数据切成单词。支持'spacy'和'raw'。raw使用空格作为切分。 """ super().__init__(lower=lower, tokenizer=tokenizer, lang='en')
[文档] def process_from_file(self, paths=None): r""" :param str paths: :return: DataBundle """ data_bundle = YelpPolarityLoader().load(paths) return self.process(data_bundle=data_bundle)
[文档]class AGsNewsPipe(CLSBasePipe): r""" 处理AG's News的数据, 处理之后DataSet中的内容如下 .. csv-table:: 下面是使用AGsNewsPipe处理后的DataSet所具备的field :header: "raw_words", "target", "words", "seq_len" "I got 'new' tires from them and within...", 0 ,"[7, 110, 22, 107, 22, 499, 59, 140, 3,...]", 160 " Don't waste your time. We had two dif... ", 0, "[277, 17, 278, 38, 30, 112, 24, 85, 27...", 40 "...", ., "[...]", . dataset的print_field_meta()函数输出的各个field的被设置成input和target的情况为:: +-------------+-----------+--------+-------+---------+ | field_names | raw_words | target | words | seq_len | +-------------+-----------+--------+-------+---------+ | is_input | False | False | True | True | | is_target | False | True | False | False | | ignore_type | | False | False | False | | pad_value | | 0 | 0 | 0 | +-------------+-----------+--------+-------+---------+ """
[文档] def __init__(self, lower: bool = False, tokenizer: str = 'spacy'): r""" :param bool lower: 是否对输入进行小写化。 :param str tokenizer: 使用哪种tokenize方式将数据切成单词。支持'spacy'和'raw'。raw使用空格作为切分。 """ super().__init__(lower=lower, tokenizer=tokenizer, lang='en')
[文档] def process_from_file(self, paths=None): r""" :param str paths: :return: DataBundle """ data_bundle = AGsNewsLoader().load(paths) return self.process(data_bundle=data_bundle)
[文档]class DBPediaPipe(CLSBasePipe): r""" 处理DBPedia的数据, 处理之后DataSet中的内容如下 .. csv-table:: 下面是使用DBPediaPipe处理后的DataSet所具备的field :header: "raw_words", "target", "words", "seq_len" "I got 'new' tires from them and within...", 0 ,"[7, 110, 22, 107, 22, 499, 59, 140, 3,...]", 160 " Don't waste your time. We had two dif... ", 0, "[277, 17, 278, 38, 30, 112, 24, 85, 27...", 40 "...", ., "[...]", . dataset的print_field_meta()函数输出的各个field的被设置成input和target的情况为:: +-------------+-----------+--------+-------+---------+ | field_names | raw_words | target | words | seq_len | +-------------+-----------+--------+-------+---------+ | is_input | False | False | True | True | | is_target | False | True | False | False | | ignore_type | | False | False | False | | pad_value | | 0 | 0 | 0 | +-------------+-----------+--------+-------+---------+ """
[文档] def __init__(self, lower: bool = False, tokenizer: str = 'spacy'): r""" :param bool lower: 是否对输入进行小写化。 :param str tokenizer: 使用哪种tokenize方式将数据切成单词。支持'spacy'和'raw'。raw使用空格作为切分。 """ super().__init__(lower=lower, tokenizer=tokenizer, lang='en')
[文档] def process_from_file(self, paths=None): r""" :param str paths: :return: DataBundle """ data_bundle = DBPediaLoader().load(paths) return self.process(data_bundle=data_bundle)
[文档]class SSTPipe(CLSBasePipe): r""" 经过该Pipe之后,DataSet中具备的field如下所示 .. csv-table:: 下面是使用SSTPipe处理后的DataSet所具备的field :header: "raw_words", "words", "target", "seq_len" "It 's a lovely film with lovely perfor...", 1, "[187, 6, 5, 132, 120, 70, 132, 188, 25...", 13 "No one goes unindicted here , which is...", 0, "[191, 126, 192, 193, 194, 4, 195, 17, ...", 13 "...", ., "[...]", . dataset的print_field_meta()函数输出的各个field的被设置成input和target的情况为:: +-------------+-----------+--------+-------+---------+ | field_names | raw_words | target | words | seq_len | +-------------+-----------+--------+-------+---------+ | is_input | False | False | True | True | | is_target | False | True | False | False | | ignore_type | | False | False | False | | pad_value | | 0 | 0 | 0 | +-------------+-----------+--------+-------+---------+ """
[文档] def __init__(self, subtree=False, train_subtree=True, lower=False, granularity=5, tokenizer='spacy'): r""" :param bool subtree: 是否将train, test, dev数据展开为子树,扩充数据量。 Default: ``False`` :param bool train_subtree: 是否将train集通过子树扩展数据。 :param bool lower: 是否对输入进行小写化。 :param int granularity: 支持2, 3, 5。若为2, 则认为是2分类问题,将0、1归为1类,3、4归为一类,丢掉2;若为3, 则有3分类问题,将 0、1归为1类,2归为1类,3、4归为1类;若为5, 则有5分类问题。 :param str tokenizer: 使用哪种tokenize方式将数据切成单词。支持'spacy'和'raw'。raw使用空格作为切分。 """ super().__init__(tokenizer=tokenizer, lang='en') self.subtree = subtree self.train_tree = train_subtree self.lower = lower assert granularity in (2, 3, 5), "granularity can only be 2,3,5." self.granularity = granularity if granularity == 2: self.tag_map = {"0": "negative", "1": "negative", "3": "positive", "4": "positive"} elif granularity == 3: self.tag_map = {"0": "negative", "1": "negative", "2": "medium", "3": "positive", "4": "positive"} else: self.tag_map = None
[文档] def process(self, data_bundle: DataBundle): r""" 对DataBundle中的数据进行预处理。输入的DataSet应该至少拥有raw_words这一列,且内容类似与 .. csv-table:: 下面是使用SSTLoader读取的DataSet所具备的field :header: "raw_words" "(2 (3 (3 Effective) (2 but)) (1 (1 too-tepid)..." "(3 (3 (2 If) (3 (2 you) (3 (2 sometimes) ..." "..." :param data_bundle: 需要处理的DataBundle对象 :return: """ # 先取出subtree for name in list(data_bundle.datasets.keys()): dataset = data_bundle.get_dataset(name) ds = DataSet() use_subtree = self.subtree or (name == 'train' and self.train_tree) for ins in dataset: raw_words = ins[Const.RAW_WORD] tree = Tree.fromstring(raw_words) if use_subtree: for t in tree.subtrees(): raw_words = " ".join(t.leaves()) instance = Instance(raw_words=raw_words, target=t.label()) ds.append(instance) else: instance = Instance(raw_words=' '.join(tree.leaves()), target=tree.label()) ds.append(instance) data_bundle.set_dataset(ds, name) # 根据granularity设置tag data_bundle = _granularize(data_bundle, tag_map=self.tag_map) data_bundle = super().process(data_bundle) return data_bundle
def process_from_file(self, paths=None): data_bundle = SSTLoader().load(paths) return self.process(data_bundle=data_bundle)
[文档]class SST2Pipe(CLSBasePipe): r""" 加载SST2的数据, 处理完成之后DataSet将拥有以下的field .. csv-table:: :header: "raw_words", "target", "words", "seq_len" "it 's a charming and often affecting j... ", 1, "[19, 9, 6, 111, 5, 112, 113, 114, 3]", 9 "unflinchingly bleak and desperate", 0, "[115, 116, 5, 117]", 4 "...", "...", ., . dataset的print_field_meta()函数输出的各个field的被设置成input和target的情况为:: +-------------+-----------+--------+-------+---------+ | field_names | raw_words | target | words | seq_len | +-------------+-----------+--------+-------+---------+ | is_input | False | False | True | True | | is_target | False | True | False | False | | ignore_type | | False | False | False | | pad_value | | 0 | 0 | 0 | +-------------+-----------+--------+-------+---------+ """
[文档] def __init__(self, lower=False, tokenizer='spacy'): r""" :param bool lower: 是否对输入进行小写化。 :param str tokenizer: 使用哪种tokenize方式将数据切成单词。支持'spacy'和'raw'。raw使用空格作为切分。 """ super().__init__(lower=lower, tokenizer=tokenizer, lang='en')
[文档] def process_from_file(self, paths=None): r""" :param str paths: 如果为None,则自动下载并缓存到fastNLP的缓存地址。 :return: DataBundle """ data_bundle = SST2Loader().load(paths) return self.process(data_bundle)
[文档]class IMDBPipe(CLSBasePipe): r""" 经过本Pipe处理后DataSet将如下 .. csv-table:: 输出DataSet的field :header: "raw_words", "target", "words", "seq_len" "Bromwell High is a cartoon ... ", 0, "[3, 5, 6, 9, ...]", 20 "Story of a man who has ...", 1, "[20, 43, 9, 10, ...]", 31 "...", ., "[...]", . 其中raw_words为str类型,是原文; words是转换为index的输入; target是转换为index的目标值; words列被设置为input; target列被设置为target。 dataset的print_field_meta()函数输出的各个field的被设置成input和target的情况为:: +-------------+-----------+--------+-------+---------+ | field_names | raw_words | target | words | seq_len | +-------------+-----------+--------+-------+---------+ | is_input | False | False | True | True | | is_target | False | True | False | False | | ignore_type | | False | False | False | | pad_value | | 0 | 0 | 0 | +-------------+-----------+--------+-------+---------+ """
[文档] def __init__(self, lower: bool = False, tokenizer: str = 'spacy'): r""" :param bool lower: 是否将words列的数据小写。 :param str tokenizer: 使用什么tokenizer来将句子切分为words. 支持spacy, raw两种。raw即使用空格拆分。 """ super().__init__(tokenizer=tokenizer, lang='en') self.lower = lower
[文档] def process(self, data_bundle: DataBundle): r""" 期待的DataBunlde中输入的DataSet应该类似于如下,有两个field,raw_words和target,且均为str类型 .. csv-table:: 输入DataSet的field :header: "raw_words", "target" "Bromwell High is a cartoon ... ", "pos" "Story of a man who has ...", "neg" "...", "..." :param DataBunlde data_bundle: 传入的DataBundle中的DataSet必须包含raw_words和target两个field,且raw_words列应该为str, target列应该为str。 :return: DataBundle """ # 替换<br /> def replace_br(raw_words): raw_words = raw_words.replace("<br />", ' ') return raw_words for name, dataset in data_bundle.datasets.items(): dataset.apply_field(replace_br, field_name=Const.RAW_WORD, new_field_name=Const.RAW_WORD) data_bundle = super().process(data_bundle) return data_bundle
[文档] def process_from_file(self, paths=None): r""" :param paths: 支持路径类型参见 :class:`` 的load函数。 :return: DataBundle """ # 读取数据 data_bundle = IMDBLoader().load(paths) data_bundle = self.process(data_bundle) return data_bundle
[文档]class ChnSentiCorpPipe(Pipe): r""" 处理之后的DataSet有以下的结构 .. csv-table:: :header: "raw_chars", "target", "chars", "seq_len" "這間酒店環境和服務態度亦算不錯,但房間空間太小~~", 1, "[2, 3, 4, 5, ...]", 31 "<荐书> 推荐所有喜欢<红楼>...", 1, "[10, 21, ....]", 25 "..." 其中chars, seq_len是input,target是target dataset的print_field_meta()函数输出的各个field的被设置成input和target的情况为:: +-------------+-----------+--------+-------+---------+ | field_names | raw_chars | target | chars | seq_len | +-------------+-----------+--------+-------+---------+ | is_input | False | True | True | True | | is_target | False | True | False | False | | ignore_type | | False | False | False | | pad_value | | 0 | 0 | 0 | +-------------+-----------+--------+-------+---------+ """
[文档] def __init__(self, bigrams=False, trigrams=False): r""" :param bool bigrams: 是否增加一列bigrams. bigrams的构成是['复', '旦', '大', '学', ...]->["复旦", "旦大", ...]。如果 设置为True,返回的DataSet将有一列名为bigrams, 且已经转换为了index并设置为input,对应的vocab可以通过 data_bundle.get_vocab('bigrams')获取. :param bool trigrams: 是否增加一列trigrams. trigrams的构成是 ['复', '旦', '大', '学', ...]->["复旦大", "旦大学", ...] 。如果设置为True,返回的DataSet将有一列名为trigrams, 且已经转换为了index并设置为input,对应的vocab可以通过 data_bundle.get_vocab('trigrams')获取. """ super().__init__() self.bigrams = bigrams self.trigrams = trigrams
def _tokenize(self, data_bundle): r""" 将DataSet中的"复旦大学"拆分为["复", "旦", "大", "学"]. 未来可以通过扩展这个函数实现分词。 :param data_bundle: :return: """ data_bundle.apply_field(list, field_name=Const.CHAR_INPUT, new_field_name=Const.CHAR_INPUT) return data_bundle
[文档] def process(self, data_bundle: DataBundle): r""" 可以处理的DataSet应该具备以下的field .. csv-table:: :header: "raw_chars", "target" "這間酒店環境和服務態度亦算不錯,但房間空間太小~~", "1" "<荐书> 推荐所有喜欢<红楼>...", "1" "..." :param data_bundle: :return: """ _add_chars_field(data_bundle, lower=False) data_bundle = self._tokenize(data_bundle) input_field_names = [Const.CHAR_INPUT] if self.bigrams: for name, dataset in data_bundle.iter_datasets(): dataset.apply_field(lambda chars: [c1 + c2 for c1, c2 in zip(chars, chars[1:] + ['<eos>'])], field_name=Const.CHAR_INPUT, new_field_name='bigrams') input_field_names.append('bigrams') if self.trigrams: for name, dataset in data_bundle.iter_datasets(): dataset.apply_field(lambda chars: [c1 + c2 + c3 for c1, c2, c3 in zip(chars, chars[1:] + ['<eos>'], chars[2:] + ['<eos>'] * 2)], field_name=Const.CHAR_INPUT, new_field_name='trigrams') input_field_names.append('trigrams') # index _indexize(data_bundle, input_field_names, Const.TARGET) input_fields = [Const.TARGET, Const.INPUT_LEN] + input_field_names target_fields = [Const.TARGET] for name, dataset in data_bundle.datasets.items(): dataset.add_seq_len(Const.CHAR_INPUT) data_bundle.set_input(*input_fields) data_bundle.set_target(*target_fields) return data_bundle
[文档] def process_from_file(self, paths=None): r""" :param paths: 支持路径类型参见 :class:`` 的load函数。 :return: DataBundle """ # 读取数据 data_bundle = ChnSentiCorpLoader().load(paths) data_bundle = self.process(data_bundle) return data_bundle
[文档]class THUCNewsPipe(CLSBasePipe): r""" 处理之后的DataSet有以下的结构 .. csv-table:: :header: "raw_chars", "target", "chars", "seq_len" "马晓旭意外受伤让国奥警惕 无奈大雨格外青睐殷家军记者傅亚雨沈阳报道...", 0, "[409, 1197, 2146, 213, ...]", 746 "..." 其中chars, seq_len是input,target是target dataset的print_field_meta()函数输出的各个field的被设置成input和target的情况为:: +-------------+-----------+--------+-------+---------+ | field_names | raw_chars | target | chars | seq_len | +-------------+-----------+--------+-------+---------+ | is_input | False | True | True | True | | is_target | False | True | False | False | | ignore_type | | False | False | False | | pad_value | | 0 | 0 | 0 | +-------------+-----------+--------+-------+---------+ :param bool bigrams: 是否增加一列bigrams. bigrams的构成是['复', '旦', '大', '学', ...]->["复旦", "旦大", ...]。如果 设置为True,返回的DataSet将有一列名为bigrams, 且已经转换为了index并设置为input,对应的vocab可以通过 data_bundle.get_vocab('bigrams')获取. :param bool trigrams: 是否增加一列trigrams. trigrams的构成是 ['复', '旦', '大', '学', ...]->["复旦大", "旦大学", ...] 。如果设置为True,返回的DataSet将有一列名为trigrams, 且已经转换为了index并设置为input,对应的vocab可以通过 data_bundle.get_vocab('trigrams')获取. """ def __init__(self, bigrams=False, trigrams=False): super().__init__() self.bigrams = bigrams self.trigrams = trigrams def _chracter_split(self, sent): return list(sent) # return [w for w in sent] def _raw_split(self, sent): return sent.split() def _tokenize(self, data_bundle, field_name=Const.INPUT, new_field_name=None): new_field_name = new_field_name or field_name for name, dataset in data_bundle.datasets.items(): dataset.apply_field(self._chracter_split, field_name=field_name, new_field_name=new_field_name) return data_bundle
[文档] def process(self, data_bundle: DataBundle): r""" 可处理的DataSet应具备如下的field .. csv-table:: :header: "raw_words", "target" "马晓旭意外受伤让国奥警惕 无奈大雨格外青睐殷家军记者傅亚雨沈阳报道 ... ", "体育" "...", "..." :param data_bundle: :return: """ # 根据granularity设置tag tag_map = {'体育': 0, '财经': 1, '房产': 2, '家居': 3, '教育': 4, '科技': 5, '时尚': 6, '时政': 7, '游戏': 8, '娱乐': 9} data_bundle = _granularize(data_bundle=data_bundle, tag_map=tag_map) # clean,lower # CWS(tokenize) data_bundle = self._tokenize(data_bundle=data_bundle, field_name='raw_chars', new_field_name='chars') input_field_names = [Const.CHAR_INPUT] # n-grams if self.bigrams: for name, dataset in data_bundle.iter_datasets(): dataset.apply_field(lambda chars: [c1 + c2 for c1, c2 in zip(chars, chars[1:] + ['<eos>'])], field_name=Const.CHAR_INPUT, new_field_name='bigrams') input_field_names.append('bigrams') if self.trigrams: for name, dataset in data_bundle.iter_datasets(): dataset.apply_field(lambda chars: [c1 + c2 + c3 for c1, c2, c3 in zip(chars, chars[1:] + ['<eos>'], chars[2:] + ['<eos>'] * 2)], field_name=Const.CHAR_INPUT, new_field_name='trigrams') input_field_names.append('trigrams') # index data_bundle = _indexize(data_bundle=data_bundle, input_field_names=Const.CHAR_INPUT) # add length for name, dataset in data_bundle.datasets.items(): dataset.add_seq_len(field_name=Const.CHAR_INPUT, new_field_name=Const.INPUT_LEN) input_fields = [Const.TARGET, Const.INPUT_LEN] + input_field_names target_fields = [Const.TARGET] data_bundle.set_input(*input_fields) data_bundle.set_target(*target_fields) return data_bundle
[文档] def process_from_file(self, paths=None): r""" :param paths: 支持路径类型参见 :class:`` 的load函数。 :return: DataBundle """ data_loader = THUCNewsLoader() # 此处需要实例化一个data_loader,否则传入load()的参数为None data_bundle = data_loader.load(paths) data_bundle = self.process(data_bundle) return data_bundle
[文档]class WeiboSenti100kPipe(CLSBasePipe): r""" 处理之后的DataSet有以下的结构 .. csv-table:: :header: "raw_chars", "target", "chars", "seq_len" "六一出生的?好讽刺…… //@祭春姬:他爸爸是外星人吧 //@面孔小高:现在的孩子都怎么了 [怒][怒][怒]", 0, "[0, 690, 18, ...]", 56 "..." 其中chars, seq_len是input,target是target dataset的print_field_meta()函数输出的各个field的被设置成input和target的情况为:: +-------------+-----------+--------+-------+---------+ | field_names | raw_chars | target | chars | seq_len | +-------------+-----------+--------+-------+---------+ | is_input | False | True | True | True | | is_target | False | True | False | False | | ignore_type | | False | False | False | | pad_value | | 0 | 0 | 0 | +-------------+-----------+--------+-------+---------+ :param bool bigrams: 是否增加一列bigrams. bigrams的构成是['复', '旦', '大', '学', ...]->["复旦", "旦大", ...]。如果 设置为True,返回的DataSet将有一列名为bigrams, 且已经转换为了index并设置为input,对应的vocab可以通过 data_bundle.get_vocab('bigrams')获取. :param bool trigrams: 是否增加一列trigrams. trigrams的构成是 ['复', '旦', '大', '学', ...]->["复旦大", "旦大学", ...] 。如果设置为True,返回的DataSet将有一列名为trigrams, 且已经转换为了index并设置为input,对应的vocab可以通过 data_bundle.get_vocab('trigrams')获取. """ def __init__(self, bigrams=False, trigrams=False): super().__init__() self.bigrams = bigrams self.trigrams = trigrams def _chracter_split(self, sent): return list(sent) def _tokenize(self, data_bundle, field_name=Const.INPUT, new_field_name=None): new_field_name = new_field_name or field_name for name, dataset in data_bundle.datasets.items(): dataset.apply_field(self._chracter_split, field_name=field_name, new_field_name=new_field_name) return data_bundle
[文档] def process(self, data_bundle: DataBundle): r""" 可处理的DataSet应具备以下的field .. csv-table:: :header: "raw_chars", "target" "六一出生的?好讽刺…… //@祭春姬:他爸爸是外星人吧 //@面孔小高:现在的孩子都怎么了 [怒][怒][怒]", "0" "...", "..." :param data_bundle: :return: """ # clean,lower # CWS(tokenize) data_bundle = self._tokenize(data_bundle=data_bundle, field_name='raw_chars', new_field_name='chars') input_field_names = [Const.CHAR_INPUT] # n-grams if self.bigrams: for name, dataset in data_bundle.iter_datasets(): dataset.apply_field(lambda chars: [c1 + c2 for c1, c2 in zip(chars, chars[1:] + ['<eos>'])], field_name=Const.CHAR_INPUT, new_field_name='bigrams') input_field_names.append('bigrams') if self.trigrams: for name, dataset in data_bundle.iter_datasets(): dataset.apply_field(lambda chars: [c1 + c2 + c3 for c1, c2, c3 in zip(chars, chars[1:] + ['<eos>'], chars[2:] + ['<eos>'] * 2)], field_name=Const.CHAR_INPUT, new_field_name='trigrams') input_field_names.append('trigrams') # index data_bundle = _indexize(data_bundle=data_bundle, input_field_names='chars') # add length for name, dataset in data_bundle.datasets.items(): dataset.add_seq_len(field_name=Const.CHAR_INPUT, new_field_name=Const.INPUT_LEN) input_fields = [Const.TARGET, Const.INPUT_LEN] + input_field_names target_fields = [Const.TARGET] data_bundle.set_input(*input_fields) data_bundle.set_target(*target_fields) return data_bundle
[文档] def process_from_file(self, paths=None): r""" :param paths: 支持路径类型参见 :class:`` 的load函数。 :return: DataBundle """ data_loader = WeiboSenti100kLoader() # 此处需要实例化一个data_loader,否则传入load()的参数为None data_bundle = data_loader.load(paths) data_bundle = self.process(data_bundle) return data_bundle
class MRPipe(CLSBasePipe): def __init__(self, lower: bool = False, tokenizer: str = 'spacy'): r""" :param bool lower: 是否将words列的数据小写。 :param str tokenizer: 使用什么tokenizer来将句子切分为words. 支持spacy, raw两种。raw即使用空格拆分。 """ super().__init__(tokenizer=tokenizer, lang='en') self.lower = lower def process_from_file(self, paths=None): r""" :param paths: 支持路径类型参见 :class:`` 的load函数。 :return: DataBundle """ # 读取数据 data_bundle = MRLoader().load(paths) data_bundle = self.process(data_bundle) return data_bundle class R8Pipe(CLSBasePipe): def __init__(self, lower: bool = False, tokenizer: str = 'spacy'): r""" :param bool lower: 是否将words列的数据小写。 :param str tokenizer: 使用什么tokenizer来将句子切分为words. 支持spacy, raw两种。raw即使用空格拆分。 """ super().__init__(tokenizer=tokenizer, lang='en') self.lower = lower def process_from_file(self, paths=None): r""" :param paths: 支持路径类型参见 :class:`` 的load函数。 :return: DataBundle """ # 读取数据 data_bundle = R8Loader().load(paths) data_bundle = self.process(data_bundle) return data_bundle class R52Pipe(CLSBasePipe): def __init__(self, lower: bool = False, tokenizer: str = 'spacy'): r""" :param bool lower: 是否将words列的数据小写。 :param str tokenizer: 使用什么tokenizer来将句子切分为words. 支持spacy, raw两种。raw即使用空格拆分。 """ super().__init__(tokenizer=tokenizer, lang='en') self.lower = lower def process_from_file(self, paths=None): r""" :param paths: 支持路径类型参见 :class:`` 的load函数。 :return: DataBundle """ # 读取数据 data_bundle = R52Loader().load(paths) data_bundle = self.process(data_bundle) return data_bundle class OhsumedPipe(CLSBasePipe): def __init__(self, lower: bool = False, tokenizer: str = 'spacy'): r""" :param bool lower: 是否将words列的数据小写。 :param str tokenizer: 使用什么tokenizer来将句子切分为words. 支持spacy, raw两种。raw即使用空格拆分。 """ super().__init__(tokenizer=tokenizer, lang='en') self.lower = lower def process_from_file(self, paths=None): r""" :param paths: 支持路径类型参见 :class:`` 的load函数。 :return: DataBundle """ # 读取数据 data_bundle = OhsumedLoader().load(paths) data_bundle = self.process(data_bundle) return data_bundle class NG20Pipe(CLSBasePipe): def __init__(self, lower: bool = False, tokenizer: str = 'spacy'): r""" :param bool lower: 是否将words列的数据小写。 :param str tokenizer: 使用什么tokenizer来将句子切分为words. 支持spacy, raw两种。raw即使用空格拆分。 """ super().__init__(tokenizer=tokenizer, lang='en') self.lower = lower def process_from_file(self, paths=None): r""" :param paths: 支持路径类型参见 :class:`` 的load函数。 :return: DataBundle """ # 读取数据 data_bundle = NG20Loader().load(paths) data_bundle = self.process(data_bundle) return data_bundle