

__all__ = [

from .pipe import Pipe
from .utils import _add_chars_field
from .utils import _indexize, _add_words_field
from .utils import iob2, iob2bioes
from .. import DataBundle
from ..loader.conll import Conll2003NERLoader, OntoNotesNERLoader
from ..loader.conll import PeopleDailyNERLoader, WeiboNERLoader, MsraNERLoader, ConllLoader
from ...core.const import Const
from ...core.vocabulary import Vocabulary

class _NERPipe(Pipe):
    NER任务的处理Pipe, 该Pipe会(1)复制raw_words列,并命名为words; (2)在words, target列建立词表
    (创建 :class:`fastNLP.Vocabulary` 对象,所以在返回的DataBundle中将有两个Vocabulary); (3)将words,target列根据相应的

    raw_words列为List[str], 是未转换的原始数据; words列为List[int],是转换为index的输入数据; target列是List[int],是转换为index的
    target。返回的DataSet中被设置为input有words, target, seq_len; 设置为target有target, seq_len。
    def __init__(self, encoding_type: str = 'bio', lower: bool = False):

        :param: str encoding_type: target列使用什么类型的encoding方式,支持bioes, bio两种。
        :param bool lower: 是否将words小写化后再建立词表,绝大多数情况都不需要设置为True。
        if encoding_type == 'bio':
            self.convert_tag = iob2
        elif encoding_type == 'bioes':
            self.convert_tag = lambda words: iob2bioes(iob2(words))
            raise ValueError("encoding_type only supports `bio` and `bioes`.")
        self.lower = lower
    def process(self, data_bundle: DataBundle) -> DataBundle:

        .. csv-table::
           :header: "raw_words", "target"

           "[Nadim, Ladki]", "[B-PER, I-PER]"
           "[AL-AIN, United, Arab, ...]", "[B-LOC, B-LOC, I-LOC, ...]"
           "[...]", "[...]"

        :param ~fastNLP.DataBundle data_bundle: 传入的DataBundle中的DataSet必须包含raw_words和ner两个field,且两个field的内容均为List[str]在传入DataBundle基础上原位修改。
        :return DataBundle:
        # 转换tag
        for name, dataset in data_bundle.datasets.items():
            dataset.apply_field(self.convert_tag, field_name=Const.TARGET, new_field_name=Const.TARGET)
        _add_words_field(data_bundle, lower=self.lower)
        # index
        input_fields = [Const.TARGET, Const.INPUT, Const.INPUT_LEN]
        target_fields = [Const.TARGET, Const.INPUT_LEN]
        for name, dataset in data_bundle.datasets.items():
        return data_bundle

[文档]class Conll2003NERPipe(_NERPipe): r""" Conll2003的NER任务的处理Pipe, 该Pipe会(1)复制raw_words列,并命名为words; (2)在words, target列建立词表 (创建 :class:`fastNLP.Vocabulary` 对象,所以在返回的DataBundle中将有两个Vocabulary); (3)将words,target列根据相应的 Vocabulary转换为index。 经过该Pipe过后,DataSet中的内容如下所示 .. csv-table:: Following is a demo layout of DataSet returned by Conll2003Loader :header: "raw_words", "target", "words", "seq_len" "[Nadim, Ladki]", "[1, 2]", "[2, 3]", 2 "[AL-AIN, United, Arab, ...]", "[3, 4,...]", "[4, 5, 6,...]", 6 "[...]", "[...]", "[...]", . raw_words列为List[str], 是未转换的原始数据; words列为List[int],是转换为index的输入数据; target列是List[int],是转换为index的 target。返回的DataSet中被设置为input有words, target, seq_len; 设置为target有target。 dataset的print_field_meta()函数输出的各个field的被设置成input和target的情况为:: +-------------+-----------+--------+-------+---------+ | field_names | raw_words | target | words | seq_len | +-------------+-----------+--------+-------+---------+ | is_input | False | True | True | True | | is_target | False | True | False | True | | ignore_type | | False | False | False | | pad_value | | 0 | 0 | 0 | +-------------+-----------+--------+-------+---------+ """
[文档] def process_from_file(self, paths) -> DataBundle: r""" :param paths: 支持路径类型参见 :class:`` 的load函数。 :return: DataBundle """ # 读取数据 data_bundle = Conll2003NERLoader().load(paths) data_bundle = self.process(data_bundle) return data_bundle
[文档]class Conll2003Pipe(Pipe): r""" 经过该Pipe后,DataSet中的内容如下 .. csv-table:: :header: "raw_words" , "pos", "chunk", "ner", "words", "seq_len" "[Nadim, Ladki]", "[0, 0]", "[1, 2]", "[1, 2]", "[2, 3]", 2 "[AL-AIN, United, Arab, ...]", "[1, 2...]", "[3, 4...]", "[3, 4...]", "[4, 5, 6,...]", 6 "[...]", "[...]", "[...]", "[...]", "[...]", . 其中words, seq_len是input; pos, chunk, ner, seq_len是target dataset的print_field_meta()函数输出的各个field的被设置成input和target的情况为:: +-------------+-----------+-------+-------+-------+-------+---------+ | field_names | raw_words | pos | chunk | ner | words | seq_len | +-------------+-----------+-------+-------+-------+-------+---------+ | is_input | False | False | False | False | True | True | | is_target | False | True | True | True | False | True | | ignore_type | | False | False | False | False | False | | pad_value | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | +-------------+-----------+-------+-------+-------+-------+---------+ """
[文档] def __init__(self, chunk_encoding_type='bioes', ner_encoding_type='bioes', lower: bool = False): r""" :param str chunk_encoding_type: 支持bioes, bio。 :param str ner_encoding_type: 支持bioes, bio。 :param bool lower: 是否将words列小写化后再建立词表 """ if chunk_encoding_type == 'bio': self.chunk_convert_tag = iob2 elif chunk_encoding_type == 'bioes': self.chunk_convert_tag = lambda tags: iob2bioes(iob2(tags)) else: raise ValueError("chunk_encoding_type only supports `bio` and `bioes`.") if ner_encoding_type == 'bio': self.ner_convert_tag = iob2 elif ner_encoding_type == 'bioes': self.ner_convert_tag = lambda tags: iob2bioes(iob2(tags)) else: raise ValueError("ner_encoding_type only supports `bio` and `bioes`.") self.lower = lower
[文档] def process(self, data_bundle) -> DataBundle: r""" 输入的DataSet应该类似于如下的形式 .. csv-table:: :header: "raw_words", "pos", "chunk", "ner" "[Nadim, Ladki]", "[NNP, NNP]", "[B-NP, I-NP]", "[B-PER, I-PER]" "[AL-AIN, United, Arab, ...]", "[NNP, NNP...]", "[B-NP, B-NP, ...]", "[B-LOC, B-LOC,...]" "[...]", "[...]", "[...]", "[...]", . :param data_bundle: :return: 传入的DataBundle """ # 转换tag for name, dataset in data_bundle.datasets.items(): dataset.drop(lambda x: "-DOCSTART-" in x[Const.RAW_WORD]) dataset.apply_field(self.chunk_convert_tag, field_name='chunk', new_field_name='chunk') dataset.apply_field(self.ner_convert_tag, field_name='ner', new_field_name='ner') _add_words_field(data_bundle, lower=self.lower) # index _indexize(data_bundle, input_field_names=Const.INPUT, target_field_names=['pos', 'ner']) # chunk中存在一些tag只在dev中出现,没在train中 tgt_vocab = Vocabulary(unknown=None, padding=None) tgt_vocab.from_dataset(*data_bundle.datasets.values(), field_name='chunk') tgt_vocab.index_dataset(*data_bundle.datasets.values(), field_name='chunk') data_bundle.set_vocab(tgt_vocab, 'chunk') input_fields = [Const.INPUT, Const.INPUT_LEN] target_fields = ['pos', 'ner', 'chunk', Const.INPUT_LEN] for name, dataset in data_bundle.datasets.items(): dataset.add_seq_len(Const.INPUT) data_bundle.set_input(*input_fields) data_bundle.set_target(*target_fields) return data_bundle
[文档] def process_from_file(self, paths): r""" :param paths: :return: """ data_bundle = ConllLoader(headers=['raw_words', 'pos', 'chunk', 'ner']).load(paths) return self.process(data_bundle)
[文档]class OntoNotesNERPipe(_NERPipe): r""" 处理OntoNotes的NER数据,处理之后DataSet中的field情况为 .. csv-table:: :header: "raw_words", "target", "words", "seq_len" "[Nadim, Ladki]", "[1, 2]", "[2, 3]", 2 "[AL-AIN, United, Arab, ...]", "[3, 4]", "[4, 5, 6,...]", 6 "[...]", "[...]", "[...]", . raw_words列为List[str], 是未转换的原始数据; words列为List[int],是转换为index的输入数据; target列是List[int],是转换为index的 target。返回的DataSet中被设置为input有words, target, seq_len; 设置为target有target。 dataset的print_field_meta()函数输出的各个field的被设置成input和target的情况为:: +-------------+-----------+--------+-------+---------+ | field_names | raw_words | target | words | seq_len | +-------------+-----------+--------+-------+---------+ | is_input | False | True | True | True | | is_target | False | True | False | True | | ignore_type | | False | False | False | | pad_value | | 0 | 0 | 0 | +-------------+-----------+--------+-------+---------+ """ def process_from_file(self, paths): data_bundle = OntoNotesNERLoader().load(paths) return self.process(data_bundle)
class _CNNERPipe(Pipe): r""" 中文NER任务的处理Pipe, 该Pipe会(1)复制raw_chars列,并命名为chars; (2)在chars, target列建立词表 (创建 :class:`fastNLP.Vocabulary` 对象,所以在返回的DataBundle中将有两个Vocabulary); (3)将chars,target列根据相应的 Vocabulary转换为index。 raw_chars列为List[str], 是未转换的原始数据; chars列为List[int],是转换为index的输入数据; target列是List[int],是转换为index的 target。返回的DataSet中被设置为input有chars, target, seq_len; 设置为target有target, seq_len。 """ def __init__(self, encoding_type: str = 'bio', bigrams=False, trigrams=False): r""" :param str encoding_type: target列使用什么类型的encoding方式,支持bioes, bio两种。 :param bool bigrams: 是否增加一列bigrams. bigrams的构成是['复', '旦', '大', '学', ...]->["复旦", "旦大", ...]。如果 设置为True,返回的DataSet将有一列名为bigrams, 且已经转换为了index并设置为input,对应的vocab可以通过 data_bundle.get_vocab('bigrams')获取. :param bool trigrams: 是否增加一列trigrams. trigrams的构成是 ['复', '旦', '大', '学', ...]->["复旦大", "旦大学", ...] 。如果设置为True,返回的DataSet将有一列名为trigrams, 且已经转换为了index并设置为input,对应的vocab可以通过 data_bundle.get_vocab('trigrams')获取. """ if encoding_type == 'bio': self.convert_tag = iob2 elif encoding_type == 'bioes': self.convert_tag = lambda words: iob2bioes(iob2(words)) else: raise ValueError("encoding_type only supports `bio` and `bioes`.") self.bigrams = bigrams self.trigrams = trigrams def process(self, data_bundle: DataBundle) -> DataBundle: r""" 支持的DataSet的field为 .. csv-table:: :header: "raw_chars", "target" "[相, 比, 之, 下,...]", "[O, O, O, O, ...]" "[青, 岛, 海, 牛, 队, 和, ...]", "[B-ORG, I-ORG, I-ORG, ...]" "[...]", "[...]" raw_chars列为List[str], 是未转换的原始数据; chars列为List[int],是转换为index的输入数据; target列是List[int], 是转换为index的target。返回的DataSet中被设置为input有chars, target, seq_len; 设置为target有target。 :param ~fastNLP.DataBundle data_bundle: 传入的DataBundle中的DataSet必须包含raw_words和ner两个field,且两个field的内容均为List[str]。在传入DataBundle基础上原位修改。 :return: DataBundle """ # 转换tag for name, dataset in data_bundle.datasets.items(): dataset.apply_field(self.convert_tag, field_name=Const.TARGET, new_field_name=Const.TARGET) _add_chars_field(data_bundle, lower=False) input_field_names = [Const.CHAR_INPUT] if self.bigrams: for name, dataset in data_bundle.datasets.items(): dataset.apply_field(lambda chars: [c1 + c2 for c1, c2 in zip(chars, chars[1:] + ['<eos>'])], field_name=Const.CHAR_INPUT, new_field_name='bigrams') input_field_names.append('bigrams') if self.trigrams: for name, dataset in data_bundle.datasets.items(): dataset.apply_field(lambda chars: [c1 + c2 + c3 for c1, c2, c3 in zip(chars, chars[1:] + ['<eos>'], chars[2:] + ['<eos>'] * 2)], field_name=Const.CHAR_INPUT, new_field_name='trigrams') input_field_names.append('trigrams') # index _indexize(data_bundle, input_field_names, Const.TARGET) input_fields = [Const.TARGET, Const.INPUT_LEN] + input_field_names target_fields = [Const.TARGET, Const.INPUT_LEN] for name, dataset in data_bundle.datasets.items(): dataset.add_seq_len(Const.CHAR_INPUT) data_bundle.set_input(*input_fields) data_bundle.set_target(*target_fields) return data_bundle
[文档]class MsraNERPipe(_CNNERPipe): r""" 处理MSRA-NER的数据,处理之后的DataSet的field情况为 .. csv-table:: :header: "raw_chars", "target", "chars", "seq_len" "[相, 比, 之, 下,...]", "[0, 0, 0, 0, ...]", "[2, 3, 4, 5, ...]", 11 "[青, 岛, 海, 牛, 队, 和, ...]", "[1, 2, 3, ...]", "[10, 21, ....]", 21 "[...]", "[...]", "[...]", . raw_chars列为List[str], 是未转换的原始数据; chars列为List[int],是转换为index的输入数据; target列是List[int],是转换为index的 target。返回的DataSet中被设置为input有chars, target, seq_len; 设置为target有target。 dataset的print_field_meta()函数输出的各个field的被设置成input和target的情况为:: +-------------+-----------+--------+-------+---------+ | field_names | raw_chars | target | chars | seq_len | +-------------+-----------+--------+-------+---------+ | is_input | False | True | True | True | | is_target | False | True | False | True | | ignore_type | | False | False | False | | pad_value | | 0 | 0 | 0 | +-------------+-----------+--------+-------+---------+ """ def process_from_file(self, paths=None) -> DataBundle: data_bundle = MsraNERLoader().load(paths) return self.process(data_bundle)
[文档]class PeopleDailyPipe(_CNNERPipe): r""" 处理people daily的ner的数据,处理之后的DataSet的field情况为 .. csv-table:: :header: "raw_chars", "target", "chars", "seq_len" "[相, 比, 之, 下,...]", "[0, 0, 0, 0, ...]", "[2, 3, 4, 5, ...]", 11 "[青, 岛, 海, 牛, 队, 和, ...]", "[1, 2, 3, ...]", "[10, 21, ....]", 21 "[...]", "[...]", "[...]", . raw_chars列为List[str], 是未转换的原始数据; chars列为List[int],是转换为index的输入数据; target列是List[int],是转换为index的 target。返回的DataSet中被设置为input有chars, target, seq_len; 设置为target有target。 dataset的print_field_meta()函数输出的各个field的被设置成input和target的情况为:: +-------------+-----------+--------+-------+---------+ | field_names | raw_chars | target | chars | seq_len | +-------------+-----------+--------+-------+---------+ | is_input | False | True | True | True | | is_target | False | True | False | True | | ignore_type | | False | False | False | | pad_value | | 0 | 0 | 0 | +-------------+-----------+--------+-------+---------+ """ def process_from_file(self, paths=None) -> DataBundle: data_bundle = PeopleDailyNERLoader().load(paths) return self.process(data_bundle)
[文档]class WeiboNERPipe(_CNNERPipe): r""" 处理weibo的ner的数据,处理之后的DataSet的field情况为 .. csv-table:: :header: "raw_chars", "chars", "target", "seq_len" "['老', '百', '姓']", "[4, 3, 3]", "[38, 39, 40]", 3 "['心']", "[0]", "[41]", 1 "[...]", "[...]", "[...]", . raw_chars列为List[str], 是未转换的原始数据; chars列为List[int],是转换为index的输入数据; target列是List[int],是转换为index的 target。返回的DataSet中被设置为input有chars, target, seq_len; 设置为target有target。 dataset的print_field_meta()函数输出的各个field的被设置成input和target的情况为:: +-------------+-----------+--------+-------+---------+ | field_names | raw_chars | target | chars | seq_len | +-------------+-----------+--------+-------+---------+ | is_input | False | True | True | True | | is_target | False | True | False | True | | ignore_type | | False | False | False | | pad_value | | 0 | 0 | 0 | +-------------+-----------+--------+-------+---------+ """ def process_from_file(self, paths=None) -> DataBundle: data_bundle = WeiboNERLoader().load(paths) return self.process(data_bundle)