fastNLP.core.field 源代码

.. todo::

__all__ = [

from abc import abstractmethod
from collections import Counter
from copy import deepcopy
from numbers import Number
from typing import Any

import numpy as np
import torch

from ._logger import logger
from .utils import _is_iterable

class SetInputOrTargetException(Exception):
    def __init__(self, msg, index=None, field_name=None):
        self.msg = msg
        self.index = index  # 标示在哪个数据遭遇到问题了
        self.field_name = field_name  # 标示当前field的名称

class AppendToTargetOrInputException(Exception):
    def __init__(self, msg, index=None, field_name=None):
        self.msg = msg
        self.index = index  # 标示在哪个数据遭遇到问题了
        self.field_name = field_name  # 标示当前field的名称

class FieldArray:
    def __init__(self, name, content, is_target=False, is_input=False, padder=None, ignore_type=False,
        if len(content) == 0:
            raise RuntimeError("Empty fieldarray is not allowed.")
        _content = content
            _content = list(_content)
        except BaseException as e:
            logger.error(f"Cannot convert content(of type:{type(content)}) into list.")
            raise e = name
        self.content = _content
        self._ignore_type = ignore_type
        #  根据input的情况设置input,target等
        self._cell_ndim = None  # 多少维度, 如果value是1, dim为0; 如果value是[1, 2], dim=2
        self.dtype = None  # 最内层的element都是什么类型的
        self._use_1st_ins_infer_dim_type = bool(use_1st_ins_infer_dim_type)
        self._is_input = False
        self._is_target = False
        if is_input:
            self.is_input = is_input
        if is_target:
            self.is_target = is_target
        if padder is None:
            padder = AutoPadder(pad_val=0)
            assert isinstance(padder, Padder), "padder must be of type fastNLP.Padder."
            padder = deepcopy(padder)
    def ignore_type(self):
        return self._ignore_type
    def ignore_type(self, value):
        if value:
            self._cell_ndim = None
            self.dtype = None
        self._ignore_type = value
    def is_input(self):
        return self._is_input
    def is_input(self, value):
            当 field_array.is_input = True / False 时被调用
        # 如果(value为True)且(_is_input和_is_target都是False)且(ignore_type为False)
        if value is True and \
                self._is_target is False and \
                self._ignore_type is False:
        if value is False and self._is_target is False:
            self.dtype = None
            self._cell_ndim = None
        self._is_input = value
    def is_target(self):
        return self._is_target
    def is_target(self, value):
        当 field_array.is_target = True / False 时被调用
        if value is True and \
                self._is_input is False and \
                self._ignore_type is False:
        if value is False and self._is_input is False:
            self.dtype = None
            self._cell_ndim = None
        self._is_target = value
    def _check_dtype_and_ndim(self, only_check_1st_ins_dim_type=True):

        :param bool only_check_1st_ins_dim_type: 是否只检查第一个元素的type和dim
        cell_0 = self.content[0]
        index = 0
            type_0, dim_0 = _get_ele_type_and_dim(cell_0)
            if not only_check_1st_ins_dim_type:
                for cell in self.content[1:]:
                    index += 1
                    type_i, dim_i = _get_ele_type_and_dim(cell)
                    if type_i != type_0:
                        raise SetInputOrTargetException(
                            "Type:{} in index {} is different from the first element with type:{}."
                            ".".format(type_i, index, type_0))
                    if dim_0 != dim_i:
                        raise SetInputOrTargetException(
                            "Dimension:{} in index {} is different from the first element with "
                            "dimension:{}.".format(dim_i, index, dim_0))
            self._cell_ndim = dim_0
            self.dtype = type_0
        except SetInputOrTargetException as e:
            e.index = index
            raise e
    def append(self, val: Any):
        :param val: 把该val append到fieldarray。
        if (self._is_target or self._is_input) and self._ignore_type is False and not self._use_1st_ins_infer_dim_type:
            type_, dim_ = _get_ele_type_and_dim(val)
            if self.dtype != type_:
                raise AppendToTargetOrInputException(f"Value(type:{type_}) are of different types with "
                                                     f"previous values(type:{self.dtype}).")
            if self._cell_ndim != dim_:
                raise AppendToTargetOrInputException(f"Value(dim:{dim_}) are of different dimensions with "
                                                     f"previous values(dim:{self._cell_ndim}).")
    def pop(self, index):
        :param int index: 从0开始的数据下标。
    def __getitem__(self, indices):
        return self.get(indices, pad=False)
    def __setitem__(self, idx, val):
        assert isinstance(idx, int)
        if (self._is_target or self._is_input) and self.ignore_type is False:  # 需要检测类型
            type_, dim_ = _get_ele_type_and_dim(val)
            if self.dtype != type_:
                raise RuntimeError(f"Value(type:{type_}) are of different types with "
                                   f"other values(type:{self.dtype}).")
            if self._cell_ndim != dim_:
                raise RuntimeError(f"Value(dim:{dim_}) are of different dimensions with "
                                   f"previous values(dim:{self._cell_ndim}).")
        self.content[idx] = val
    def get(self, indices, pad=True):

        :param int,List[int] indices: 获取indices对应的内容。
        :param bool pad: 是否对返回的结果进行padding。仅对: (1) indices为List[int]; (2)padder不为None; (3)field设置了input
        :return: 根据给定的indices返回的内容,可能是单个值或ndarray
        if isinstance(indices, int):
            return self.content[indices]

        contents = [self.content[i] for i in indices]
        if self.padder is None or pad is False:
            return np.array(contents)
        elif self.is_input or self.is_target:
            return self.pad(contents)
            return np.array(contents)
    def pad(self, contents):

        :param list contents:
        return self.padder(contents,, field_ele_dtype=self.dtype, dim=self._cell_ndim)
    def set_padder(self, padder):

        :param padder: :class:`~fastNLP.Padder` 类型,设置为None即删除padder。
        if padder is not None:
            assert isinstance(padder, Padder), "padder must be of type Padder."
            self.padder = deepcopy(padder)
            self.padder = None
    def set_pad_val(self, pad_val):

        :param int pad_val: 该field的pad值设置为该值。
        if self.padder is not None:
        return self
    def __len__(self):
        Returns the size of FieldArray.

        :return int length:
        return len(self.content)
    def to(self, other):
        属性包括 is_input, is_target, padder, ignore_type

        :param  other: :class:`~fastNLP.FieldArray` 从哪个field拷贝属性
        :return: :class:`~fastNLP.FieldArray`
        assert isinstance(other, FieldArray), "Only supports fastNLP.FieldArray type, not {}.".format(type(other))
        self.ignore_type = other.ignore_type
        self.is_input = other.is_input
        self.is_target = other.is_target
        self.padder = other.padder
        return self
    def split(self, sep: str = None, inplace: bool = True):

        :param sep: 分割符,如果为None则直接调用str.split()。
        :param inplace: 如果为True,则将新生成值替换本field。否则返回list。
        :return: List[List[str]] or self
        new_contents = []
        for index, cell in enumerate(self.content):
            except Exception as e:
                logger.error(f"Exception happens when process value in index {index}.")
                raise e
        return self._after_process(new_contents, inplace=inplace)
    def int(self, inplace: bool = True):
        将本field中的值调用int(cell). 支持field中内容为以下两种情况(1)['1', '2', ...](即field中每个值为str的),
            (2) [['1', '2', ..], ['3', ..], ...](即field中每个值为一个list,list中的值会被依次转换。)

        :param inplace: 如果为True,则将新生成值替换本field。否则返回list。
        :return: List[int], List[List[int]], self
        new_contents = []
        for index, cell in enumerate(self.content):
                if isinstance(cell, list):
                    new_contents.append([int(value) for value in cell])
            except Exception as e:
                logger.error(f"Exception happens when process value in index {index}.")
                raise e
        return self._after_process(new_contents, inplace=inplace)
    def float(self, inplace=True):
        将本field中的值调用float(cell). 支持field中内容为以下两种情况(1)['1', '2', ...](即field中每个值为str的),
            (2) [['1', '2', ..], ['3', ..], ...](即field中每个值为一个list,list中的值会被依次转换。)

        :param inplace: 如果为True,则将新生成值替换本field。否则返回list。
        new_contents = []
        for index, cell in enumerate(self.content):
                if isinstance(cell, list):
                    new_contents.append([float(value) for value in cell])
            except Exception as e:
                logger.error(f"Exception happens when process value in index {index}.")
                raise e
        return self._after_process(new_contents, inplace=inplace)
    def bool(self, inplace=True):
        将本field中的值调用bool(cell). 支持field中内容为以下两种情况(1)['1', '2', ...](即field中每个值为str的),
            (2) [['1', '2', ..], ['3', ..], ...](即field中每个值为一个list,list中的值会被依次转换。)

        :param inplace: 如果为True,则将新生成值替换本field。否则返回list。
        new_contents = []
        for index, cell in enumerate(self.content):
                if isinstance(cell, list):
                    new_contents.append([bool(value) for value in cell])
            except Exception as e:
                logger.error(f"Exception happens when process value in index {index}.")
                raise e
        return self._after_process(new_contents, inplace=inplace)
    def lower(self, inplace=True):
        将本field中的值调用cell.lower(). 支持field中内容为以下两种情况(1)['1', '2', ...](即field中每个值为str的),
            (2) [['1', '2', ..], ['3', ..], ...](即field中每个值为一个list,list中的值会被依次转换。)

        :param inplace: 如果为True,则将新生成值替换本field。否则返回list。
        :return: List[int], List[List[int]], self
        new_contents = []
        for index, cell in enumerate(self.content):
                if isinstance(cell, list):
                    new_contents.append([value.lower() for value in cell])
            except Exception as e:
                logger.error(f"Exception happens when process value in index {index}.")
                raise e
        return self._after_process(new_contents, inplace=inplace)
    def upper(self, inplace=True):
        将本field中的值调用cell.lower(). 支持field中内容为以下两种情况(1)['1', '2', ...](即field中每个值为str的),
            (2) [['1', '2', ..], ['3', ..], ...](即field中每个值为一个list,list中的值会被依次转换。)

        :param inplace: 如果为True,则将新生成值替换本field。否则返回list。
        :return: List[int], List[List[int]], self
        new_contents = []
        for index, cell in enumerate(self.content):
                if isinstance(cell, list):
                    new_contents.append([value.upper() for value in cell])
            except Exception as e:
                logger.error(f"Exception happens when process value in index {index}.")
                raise e
        return self._after_process(new_contents, inplace=inplace)
    def value_count(self):

        :return: Counter, key是label,value是出现次数
        count = Counter()
        def cum(cell):
            if _is_iterable(cell) and not isinstance(cell, str):
                for cell_ in cell:
                count[cell] += 1
        for cell in self.content:
        return count
    def _after_process(self, new_contents, inplace):

        :param new_contents:
        :param inplace:
        :return: self或者生成的content
        if inplace:
            self.content = new_contents
                self.is_input = self.is_input
                self.is_target = self.is_input
            except SetInputOrTargetException as e:
                logger.error("The newly generated field cannot be set as input or target.")
                raise e
            return self
            return new_contents

def _get_ele_type_and_dim(cell: Any, dim=0):

    numpy scalar type:
    :param cell:
    :param dim:
    if isinstance(cell, (str, Number, np.bool_)):
        if hasattr(cell, 'dtype'):
            return cell.dtype.type, dim
        return type(cell), dim
    elif isinstance(cell, list):
        dim += 1
        res = [_get_ele_type_and_dim(cell_i, dim) for cell_i in cell]
        types = set([i for i, j in res])
        dims = set([j for i, j in res])
        if len(types) > 1:
            raise SetInputOrTargetException("Mixed types detected: {}.".format(list(types)))
        elif len(types) == 0:
            raise SetInputOrTargetException("Empty value encountered.")
        if len(dims) > 1:
            raise SetInputOrTargetException("Mixed dimension detected: {}.".format(list(dims)))
        return types.pop(), dims.pop()
    elif isinstance(cell, torch.Tensor):
        return cell.dtype, cell.dim() + dim  # 如果是torch.mean的结果是0
    elif isinstance(cell, np.ndarray):
        if cell.dtype != np.dtype('O'):  # 如果不是object的话说明是well-formatted的了
            return cell.dtype.type, cell.ndim + dim  # dtype.type返回的会是np.int32, np.float等
        # 否则需要继续往下iterate
        dim += 1
        res = [_get_ele_type_and_dim(cell_i, dim) for cell_i in cell]
        types = set([i for i, j in res])
        dims = set([j for i, j in res])
        if len(types) > 1:
            raise SetInputOrTargetException("Mixed types detected: {}.".format(list(types)))
        elif len(types) == 0:
            raise SetInputOrTargetException("Empty value encountered.")
        if len(dims) > 1:
            raise SetInputOrTargetException("Mixed dimension detected: {}.".format(list(dims)))
        return types.pop(), dims.pop()
    else:  # 包含tuple, set, dict以及其它的类型
        raise SetInputOrTargetException(f"Cannot process type:{type(cell)}.")

[文档]class Padder: r""" 所有padder都需要继承这个类,并覆盖__call__方法。 用于对batch进行padding操作。传入的element是inplace的,即直接修改element可能导致数据变化,建议inplace修改之前deepcopy一份。 .. py:function:: __call__(self, contents, field_name, field_ele_dtype): """
[文档] def __init__(self, pad_val=0, **kwargs): r""" :param List[Any] contents: 传入的element是inplace的,即直接修改element可能导致数据变化,建议inplace修改之前 deepcopy一份。 :param str, field_name: field的名称。 :param np.int64,np.float64,np.str,None, field_ele_dtype: 该field的内层元素的类型。如果该field的ignore_type为True,该这个值为None。 :return: np.array([padded_element]) """ self.pad_val = pad_val
def set_pad_val(self, pad_val): self.pad_val = pad_val def get_pad_val(self): return self.pad_val @abstractmethod def __call__(self, contents, field_name, field_ele_dtype, dim: int): r""" 传入的是List内容。假设有以下的DataSet。 :param List[Any] contents: 传入的element是inplace的,即直接修改element可能导致数据变化,建议inplace修改之前 deepcopy一份。 :param str, field_name: field的名称。 :param np.int64,np.float64,np.str,None, field_ele_dtype: 该field的内层元素的类型。如果该field的ignore_type为True, 该这个值为None。 :param dim: 这个field的维度。当ignore_type为True时,该值为None :return: np.array([padded_element]) Example:: from fastNLP import DataSet from fastNLP import Instance dataset = DataSet() dataset.append(Instance(sent='this is a demo', length=4, chars=[['t', 'h', 'i', 's'], ['i', 's'], ['a'], ['d', 'e', 'm', 'o']])) dataset.append(Instance(sent='another one', length=2, chars=[['a', 'n', 'o', 't', 'h', 'e', 'r'], ['o', 'n', 'e']])) 如果调用 batch = dataset.get([0,1], pad=True) sent这个field的padder的__call__会接收到的内容会是 [ 'this is a demo', 'another one' ] length这个field的padder的__call__会接收到的内容会是 [4, 2] chars这个field的padder的__call__会接收到的内容会是 [ [['t', 'h', 'i', 's'], ['i', 's'], ['a'], ['d', 'e', 'm', 'o']], [['a', 'n', 'o', 't', 'h', 'e', 'r'], ['o', 'n', 'e']] ] 即把每个instance中某个field的内容合成一个List传入 """ raise NotImplementedError
[文档]class AutoPadder(Padder): r""" 根据contents的数据自动判定是否需要做padding。 1 如果元素类型(元素类型是指field中最里层元素的数据类型, 可以通过FieldArray.dtype查看,比如['This', 'is', ...]的元素类 型为str, [[1,2], ...]的元素类型为int)的数据不为数值类型则不会进行pad 2 如果元素类型为数值类型,比如np.int64, np.float64, int, float, torch.int64等 2.1 如果该field的内容为数值类型(包括int, float等),比如为seq_len, 则不进行padding 2.2 如果该field的内容等价于一维list, 那么会将Batch中的List pad为一样长。 2.3 如果该field的内容等价于二维list,那么会按照英语character padding的方式进行padding。如果是character padding建议使用 :class: fastNLP.EngChar2DPadder. 2.4 如果该field的内容等价于三维list,则如果每个instance在每个维度上相等,会组成一个batch的tensor返回,这种情况应该是为图片 的情况。 3 其它情况不进行处理,返回一个np.array类型。 """ def __init__(self, pad_val=0): super().__init__(pad_val=pad_val) def __call__(self, contents, field_name, field_ele_dtype, dim): if field_ele_dtype: if dim > 3: return np.array(contents) if isinstance(field_ele_dtype, type) and \ (issubclass(field_ele_dtype, np.number) or issubclass(field_ele_dtype, Number)): if dim == 0: array = np.array(contents, dtype=field_ele_dtype) elif dim == 1: max_len = max(map(len, contents)) array = np.full((len(contents), max_len), self.pad_val, dtype=field_ele_dtype) for i, content_i in enumerate(contents): array[i, :len(content_i)] = content_i elif dim == 2: max_len = max(map(len, contents)) max_word_len = max([max([len(content_ii) for content_ii in content_i]) for content_i in contents]) array = np.full((len(contents), max_len, max_word_len), self.pad_val, dtype=field_ele_dtype) for i, content_i in enumerate(contents): for j, content_ii in enumerate(content_i): array[i, j, :len(content_ii)] = content_ii else: shape = np.shape(contents) if len(shape) == 4: # 说明各dimension是相同的大小 array = np.array(contents, dtype=field_ele_dtype) else: raise RuntimeError( f"Field:{field_name} has 3 dimensions, every sample should have the same shape.") return array elif str(field_ele_dtype).startswith('torch'): if dim == 0: tensor = torch.tensor(contents).to(field_ele_dtype) elif dim == 1: max_len = max(map(len, contents)) tensor = torch.full((len(contents), max_len), fill_value=self.pad_val, dtype=field_ele_dtype) for i, content_i in enumerate(contents): tensor[i, :len(content_i)] = content_i.clone().detach() elif dim == 2: max_len = max(map(len, contents)) max_word_len = max([max([len(content_ii) for content_ii in content_i]) for content_i in contents]) tensor = torch.full((len(contents), max_len, max_word_len), fill_value=self.pad_val, dtype=field_ele_dtype) for i, content_i in enumerate(contents): for j, content_ii in enumerate(content_i): tensor[i, j, :len(content_ii)] = content_ii.clone().detach() else: shapes = set([np.shape(content_i) for content_i in contents]) if len(shapes) > 1: raise RuntimeError( f"Field:{field_name} has 3 dimensions, every sample should have the same shape.") shape = shapes.pop() if len(shape) == 3: tensor = torch.full([len(contents)] + list(shape), fill_value=self.pad_val, dtype=field_ele_dtype) for i, content_i in enumerate(contents): tensor[i] = content_i.clone().detach().to(field_ele_dtype) else: raise RuntimeError( f"Field:{field_name} has 3 dimensions, every sample should have the same shape.") return tensor else: return np.array(contents) # 不进行任何操作 else: return np.array(contents)
[文档]class EngChar2DPadder(Padder): r""" 用于为英语执行character级别的2D padding操作。对应的field内容应该类似[['T', 'h', 'i', 's'], ['a'], ['d', 'e', 'm', 'o']], 但这个Padder只能处理index为int的情况。 padded过后的batch内容,形状为(batch_size, max_sentence_length, max_word_length). max_sentence_length为这个batch中最大句 子长度;max_word_length为这个batch中最长的word的长度:: from fastNLP import DataSet from fastNLP import EngChar2DPadder from fastNLP import Vocabulary dataset = DataSet({'sent': ['This is the first demo', 'This is the second demo']}) dataset.apply(lambda ins:[list(word) for word in ins['sent'].split()], new_field_name='chars') vocab = Vocabulary() vocab.from_dataset(dataset, field_name='chars') vocab.index_dataset(dataset, field_name='chars') dataset.set_input('chars') padder = EngChar2DPadder() dataset.set_padder('chars', padder) # chars这个field的设置为了EnChar2DPadder """
[文档] def __init__(self, pad_val=0, pad_length=0): r""" :param pad_val: int, pad的位置使用该index :param pad_length: int, 如果为0则取一个batch中最大的单词长度作为padding长度。如果为大于0的数,则将所有单词的长度 都pad或截取到该长度. """ super().__init__(pad_val=pad_val) self.pad_length = pad_length
def __call__(self, contents, field_name, field_ele_dtype, dim): r""" 期望输入类似于 [ [[0, 2], [2, 3, 4], ..], [[9, 8, 2, 4], [1, 2,], ...], .... ] :param contents: :param field_name: :param field_ele_dtype :return: """ if field_ele_dtype not in (np.int64, np.float64, int, float): raise TypeError('dtype of Field:{} should be np.int64 or np.float64 to do 2D padding, get {}.'.format( field_name, field_ele_dtype )) assert dim == 2, f"Field:{field_name} has {dim}, EngChar2DPadder only supports input with 2 dimensions." if self.pad_length < 1: max_char_length = max([max(len(char_lst) for char_lst in word_lst) for word_lst in contents]) else: max_char_length = self.pad_length max_sent_length = max(len(word_lst) for word_lst in contents) batch_size = len(contents) dtype = type(contents[0][0][0]) padded_array = np.full((batch_size, max_sent_length, max_char_length), fill_value=self.pad_val, dtype=dtype) for b_idx, word_lst in enumerate(contents): for c_idx, char_lst in enumerate(word_lst): chars = char_lst[:max_char_length] padded_array[b_idx, c_idx, :len(chars)] = chars return padded_array