fastNLP.core.utils 源代码

utils模块实现了 fastNLP 内部和外部所需的很多工具。其中用户可以使用的是 :func:`cache_results` 修饰器。

__all__ = [

import inspect
import os
import warnings
from collections import Counter, namedtuple
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import List

import _pickle
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from prettytable import PrettyTable

from ._logger import logger
from ._parallel_utils import _model_contains_inner_module
# from .vocabulary import Vocabulary

    from apex import amp
    amp = None

_CheckRes = namedtuple('_CheckRes', ['missing', 'unused', 'duplicated', 'required', 'all_needed',

class ConfusionMatrix:
    r"""a dict can provide Confusion Matrix"""
    def __init__(self, vocab=None, print_ratio=False):
        :param vocab: 需要有to_word方法,建议直接使用Fastnlp.core.Vocabulary。
        :param print_ratio: 限制print的输出,False只输出数量Confusion Matrix, True还会输出百分比Confusion Matrix, 分别为行/列
        if vocab and not hasattr(vocab, "to_word"):
            raise TypeError(
                f"`vocab` in {_get_func_signature(self.__init__)} must be Fastnlp.core.Vocabulary,"
                f"got {type(vocab)}.")
        self.confusiondict = {}  # key: pred index, value:target word ocunt
        self.predcount = {}  # key:pred index, value:count
        self.targetcount = {}  # key:target index, value:count
        self.vocab = vocab
        self.print_ratio = print_ratio

    def add_pred_target(self, pred, target):  # 一组结果
        :param list pred: 预测的标签列表
        :param list target: 真实值的标签列表
        :return ConfusionMatrix
        pred = [2,1,3]
        target = [2,2,1]
        confusion.add_pred_target(pred, target)
        target  1       2       3       all
             1  0       1       0         1
             2  0       1       0         1
             3  1       0       0         1
           all  1       2       0         3
        for p, t in zip(pred, target):  # <int, int>
            self.predcount[p] = self.predcount.get(p, 0) + 1
            self.targetcount[t] = self.targetcount.get(t, 0) + 1
            if p in self.confusiondict:
                self.confusiondict[p][t] = self.confusiondict[p].get(t, 0) + 1
                self.confusiondict[p] = {}
                self.confusiondict[p][t] = 1
        return self.confusiondict

    def clear(self):
        self.confusiondict = {}
        self.targetcount = {}
        self.predcount = {}

    def get_result(self):
        :return list output: ConfusionMatrix content,具体值与汇总统计
        row2idx = {}
        idx2row = {}
        # 已知的所有键/label
        totallabel = sorted(
        lenth = len(totallabel)

        for label, idx in zip(totallabel, range(lenth)):
                label] = idx  # 建立一个临时字典,key:vocab的index, value: 行列index  1,3,5...->0,1,2,...
                idx] = label  # 建立一个临时字典,value:vocab的index, key: 行列index  0,1,2...->1,3,5,...
        output = []
        for i in row2idx.keys():  # 第i行
            p = row2idx[i]
            l = [0 for _ in range(lenth)]
            if self.confusiondict.get(p, None):
                for t, c in self.confusiondict[p].items():
                    l[idx2row[t]] = c  # 完成一行
            l = [n for n in l] + [sum(l)]
        tail = [self.targetcount.get(row2idx[k], 0) for k in row2idx.keys()]
        tail += [sum(tail)]
        return output

    def get_percent(self, dim=0):
        :param dim int: 0/1, 0 for row,1 for column
        :return list output: ConfusionMatrix content,具体值与汇总统计
        result = self.get_result()
        if dim == 0:
            tmp = np.array(result)
            tmp = tmp / (tmp[:, -1].reshape([len(result), -1]))
            tmp[np.isnan(tmp)] = 0
            tmp = tmp * 100
        elif dim == 1:
            tmp = np.array(result).T
            tmp = tmp / (tmp[:, -1].reshape([len(result), -1]) + 1e-12)
            tmp = tmp.T * 100
        tmp = np.around(tmp, decimals=2)
        return tmp.tolist()

    def get_aligned_table(self, data, flag="result"):
        :param data: highly recommend use get_percent/ get_result return as dataset here, or make sure data is a n*n list type data
        :param flag: only difference between result and other words is whether "%" is in output string
        :return: an aligned_table ready to print out
        row2idx = {}
        idx2row = {}
        # 已知的所有键/label
        totallabel = sorted(
        lenth = len(totallabel)
        # namedict key :idx value:word/idx
        namedict = dict([
            (k, str(k if self.vocab == None else self.vocab.to_word(k)))
            for k in totallabel

        for label, idx in zip(totallabel, range(lenth)):
                label] = idx  # 建立一个临时字典,key:vocab的index, value: 行列index  1,3,5...->0,1,2,...
                idx] = label  # 建立一个临时字典,value:vocab的index, key: 行列index  0,1,2...->1,3,5,...
        # 这里打印东西
        out = str()
        output = []
        # 表头
        head = (["target"] +
                [str(namedict[row2idx[k]]) for k in row2idx.keys()] + ["all"])
        col_lenths = [len(h) for h in head]
        # 内容
        for i in row2idx.keys():  # 第i行
            p = row2idx[i]
            h = namedict[p]
            l = [h] + [[str(n) + "%", str(n)][flag == "result"]
                       for n in data[i]]
            col_lenths = [
                max(col_lenths[idx], [len(i) for i in l][idx])
                for idx in range(len(col_lenths))
        tail = ["all"] + [[str(n) + "%", str(n)][flag == "result"]
                          for n in data[-1]]
        col_lenths = [
            max(col_lenths[idx], [len(i) for i in tail][idx])
            for idx in range(len(col_lenths))
        for line in output:
            for colidx in range(len(line)):
                out += "%*s" % (col_lenths[colidx], line[colidx]) + "\t"
            out += "\n"
        return "\n" + out

    def __repr__(self):
        :return string output: ConfusionMatrix的格式化输出,包括表头各标签字段,具体值与汇总统计。
        result = self.get_result()
        o0 = self.get_aligned_table(result, flag="result")

        out = str()
        if self.print_ratio:
            p1 = self.get_percent()
            o1 = "\nNotice the row direction\n" + self.get_aligned_table(
                p1, flag="percent")
            p2 = self.get_percent(dim=1)
            o2 = "\nNotice the column direction\n" + self.get_aligned_table(
                p2, flag="percent")
            out = out + o0 + o1 + o2
            out = o0
        return out

class Option(dict):
    r"""a dict can treat keys as attributes"""

    def __getattr__(self, item):
            return self.__getitem__(item)
        except KeyError:
            raise AttributeError(item)

    def __setattr__(self, key, value):
        if key.startswith('__') and key.endswith('__'):
            raise AttributeError(key)
        self.__setitem__(key, value)

    def __delattr__(self, item):
        except KeyError:
            raise AttributeError(item)

    def __getstate__(self):
        return self

    def __setstate__(self, state):

def _prepare_cache_filepath(filepath):
    检查filepath是否可以作为合理的cache文件. 如果可以的话,会自动创造路径
    :param filepath: str.
    :return: None, if not, this function will raise error
    _cache_filepath = os.path.abspath(filepath)
    if os.path.isdir(_cache_filepath):
        raise RuntimeError("The cache_file_path must be a file, not a directory.")
    cache_dir = os.path.dirname(_cache_filepath)
    if not os.path.exists(cache_dir):

[文档]def cache_results(_cache_fp, _refresh=False, _verbose=1): r""" cache_results是fastNLP中用于cache数据的装饰器。通过下面的例子看一下如何使用:: import time import numpy as np from fastNLP import cache_results @cache_results('cache.pkl') def process_data(): # 一些比较耗时的工作,比如读取数据,预处理数据等,这里用time.sleep()代替耗时 time.sleep(1) return np.random.randint(10, size=(5,)) start_time = time.time() print("res =",process_data()) print(time.time() - start_time) start_time = time.time() print("res =",process_data()) print(time.time() - start_time) # 输出内容如下,可以看到两次结果相同,且第二次几乎没有花费时间 # Save cache to cache.pkl. # res = [5 4 9 1 8] # 1.0042750835418701 # Read cache from cache.pkl. # res = [5 4 9 1 8] # 0.0040721893310546875 可以看到第二次运行的时候,只用了0.0001s左右,是由于第二次运行将直接从cache.pkl这个文件读取数据,而不会经过再次预处理:: # 还是以上面的例子为例,如果需要重新生成另一个cache,比如另一个数据集的内容,通过如下的方式调用即可 process_data(_cache_fp='cache2.pkl') # 完全不影响之前的‘cache.pkl' 上面的_cache_fp是cache_results会识别的参数,它将从'cache2.pkl'这里缓存/读取数据,即这里的'cache2.pkl'覆盖默认的 'cache.pkl'。如果在你的函数前面加上了@cache_results()则你的函数会增加三个参数[_cache_fp, _refresh, _verbose]。 上面的例子即为使用_cache_fp的情况,这三个参数不会传入到你的函数中,当然你写的函数参数名也不可能包含这三个名称:: process_data(_cache_fp='cache2.pkl', _refresh=True) # 这里强制重新生成一份对预处理的cache。 # _verbose是用于控制输出信息的,如果为0,则不输出任何内容;如果为1,则会提醒当前步骤是读取的cache还是生成了新的cache :param str _cache_fp: 将返回结果缓存到什么位置;或从什么位置读取缓存。如果为None,cache_results没有任何效用,除非在 函数调用的时候传入_cache_fp这个参数。 :param bool _refresh: 是否重新生成cache。 :param int _verbose: 是否打印cache的信息。 :return: """ def wrapper_(func): signature = inspect.signature(func) for key, _ in signature.parameters.items(): if key in ('_cache_fp', '_refresh', '_verbose'): raise RuntimeError("The function decorated by cache_results cannot have keyword `{}`.".format(key)) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): if '_cache_fp' in kwargs: cache_filepath = kwargs.pop('_cache_fp') assert isinstance(cache_filepath, str), "_cache_fp can only be str." else: cache_filepath = _cache_fp if '_refresh' in kwargs: refresh = kwargs.pop('_refresh') assert isinstance(refresh, bool), "_refresh can only be bool." else: refresh = _refresh if '_verbose' in kwargs: verbose = kwargs.pop('_verbose') assert isinstance(verbose, int), "_verbose can only be integer." else: verbose = _verbose refresh_flag = True if cache_filepath is not None and refresh is False: # load data if os.path.exists(cache_filepath): with open(cache_filepath, 'rb') as f: results = _pickle.load(f) if verbose == 1:"Read cache from {}.".format(cache_filepath)) refresh_flag = False if refresh_flag: results = func(*args, **kwargs) if cache_filepath is not None: if results is None: raise RuntimeError("The return value is None. Delete the decorator.") _prepare_cache_filepath(cache_filepath) with open(cache_filepath, 'wb') as f: _pickle.dump(results, f)"Save cache to {}.".format(cache_filepath)) return results return wrapper return wrapper_
def _save_model(model, model_name, save_dir, only_param=False): r""" 存储不含有显卡信息的state_dict或model :param model: :param model_name: :param save_dir: 保存的directory :param only_param: :return: """ model_path = os.path.join(save_dir, model_name) if not os.path.isdir(save_dir): os.makedirs(save_dir, exist_ok=True) if _model_contains_inner_module(model): model = model.module if only_param: state_dict = model.state_dict() for key in state_dict: state_dict[key] = state_dict[key].cpu(), model_path) else: _model_device = _get_model_device(model) model.cpu(), model_path) def _move_model_to_device(model, device): r""" 将model移动到device :param model: torch.nn.DataParallel or torch.nn.Module. 当为torch.nn.DataParallel, 则只是调用一次cuda。device必须为 None。 :param str,int,torch.device,list(int),list(torch.device) device: 将模型load到哪个设备。默认为None,即Trainer不对模型 的计算位置进行管理。支持以下的输入: 1. str: ['cpu', 'cuda', 'cuda:0', 'cuda:1', ...] 依次为'cpu'中, 可见的第一个GPU中, 可见的第一个GPU中, 可见的第二个GPU中; 2. torch.device:将模型装载到torch.device上。 3. int: 将使用device_id为该值的gpu进行训练 4. list(int):如果多于1个device,将使用torch.nn.DataParallel包裹model, 并使用传入的device。 5. None. 为None则不对模型进行任何处理,如果传入的model为torch.nn.DataParallel该值必须为None。 :return: torch.nn.DataParallel or torch.nn.Module """ # if isinstance(model, torch.nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel): # raise RuntimeError("model of `torch.nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel` is not supported right now.") if device is None: if isinstance(model, torch.nn.DataParallel): model.cuda() return model else: if not torch.cuda.is_available() and ((isinstance(device, str) and device!='cpu') or (isinstance(device, torch.device) and device.type != 'cpu')): raise ValueError("There is no usable gpu. set `device` as `cpu` or `None`.") if isinstance(model, torch.nn.DataParallel): raise RuntimeError("When model is `torch.nn.DataParallel`, the device has to be `None`.") if isinstance(device, int): assert device > -1, "device can only be non-negative integer" assert torch.cuda.device_count() > device, "Only has {} gpus, cannot use device {}.".format( torch.cuda.device_count(), device) device = torch.device('cuda:{}'.format(device)) elif isinstance(device, str): device = torch.device(device) if device.type == 'cuda' and device.index is not None: assert device.index < torch.cuda.device_count(), "Only has {} gpus, cannot use device cuda:{}.".format( torch.cuda.device_count(), device) elif isinstance(device, torch.device): if device.type == 'cuda' and device.index is not None: assert device.index < torch.cuda.device_count(), "Only has {} gpus, cannot use device cuda:{}.".format( torch.cuda.device_count(), device) elif isinstance(device, list): types = set([type(d) for d in device]) assert len(types) == 1, "Mixed type in device, only `int` allowed." assert list(types)[0] == int, "Only int supported for multiple devices." assert len(set(device)) == len(device), "Duplicated device id found in device." for d in device: assert d > -1, "Only non-negative device id allowed." if len(device) > 1: output_device = device[0] model = nn.DataParallel(model, device_ids=device, output_device=output_device) device = torch.device(device[0]) else: raise TypeError("Unsupported device type.") model = return model def _get_model_device(model): r""" 传入一个nn.Module的模型,获取它所在的device :param model: nn.Module :return: torch.device,None 如果返回值为None,说明这个模型没有任何参数。 """ # TODO 这个函数存在一定的风险,因为同一个模型可能存在某些parameter不在显卡中,比如BertEmbedding. 或者跨显卡 assert isinstance(model, nn.Module) parameters = list(model.parameters()) if len(parameters) == 0: return None else: return parameters[0].device def _build_args(func, **kwargs): r""" 根据func的初始化参数,从kwargs中选择func需要的参数 :param func: callable :param kwargs: 参数 :return:dict. func中用到的参数 """ spect = inspect.getfullargspec(func) if spect.varkw is not None: return kwargs needed_args = set(spect.args) defaults = [] if spect.defaults is not None: defaults = [arg for arg in spect.defaults] start_idx = len(spect.args) - len(defaults) output = {name: default for name, default in zip(spect.args[start_idx:], defaults)} output.update({name: val for name, val in kwargs.items() if name in needed_args}) return output def _map_args(maps: dict, **kwargs): # maps: key=old name, value= new name output = {} for name, val in kwargs.items(): if name in maps: assert isinstance(maps[name], str) output.update({maps[name]: val}) else: output.update({name: val}) for keys in maps.keys(): if keys not in output.keys(): pass return output def _get_arg_list(func): assert callable(func) spect = inspect.getfullargspec(func) if spect.defaults is not None: args = spect.args[: -len(spect.defaults)] defaults = spect.args[-len(spect.defaults):] defaults_val = spect.defaults else: args = spect.args defaults = None defaults_val = None varargs = spect.varargs kwargs = spect.varkw return args, defaults, defaults_val, varargs, kwargs # check args def _check_arg_dict_list(func, args): if isinstance(args, dict): arg_dict_list = [args] else: arg_dict_list = args assert callable(func) and isinstance(arg_dict_list, (list, tuple)) assert len(arg_dict_list) > 0 and isinstance(arg_dict_list[0], dict) spect = inspect.getfullargspec(func) all_args = set([arg for arg in spect.args if arg != 'self']) defaults = [] if spect.defaults is not None: defaults = [arg for arg in spect.defaults] start_idx = len(spect.args) - len(defaults) default_args = set(spect.args[start_idx:]) require_args = all_args - default_args input_arg_count = Counter() for arg_dict in arg_dict_list: input_arg_count.update(arg_dict.keys()) duplicated = [name for name, val in input_arg_count.items() if val > 1] input_args = set(input_arg_count.keys()) missing = list(require_args - input_args) unused = list(input_args - all_args) varargs = [] if not spect.varargs else [spect.varargs] return _CheckRes(missing=missing, unused=unused, duplicated=duplicated, required=list(require_args), all_needed=list(all_args), varargs=varargs) def _get_func_signature(func): r""" Given a function or method, return its signature. For example: 1 function:: def func(a, b='a', *args): xxxx get_func_signature(func) # 'func(a, b='a', *args)' 2 method:: class Demo: def __init__(self): xxx def forward(self, a, b='a', **args) demo = Demo() get_func_signature(demo.forward) # 'Demo.forward(self, a, b='a', **args)' :param func: a function or a method :return: str or None """ if inspect.ismethod(func): class_name = func.__self__.__class__.__name__ signature = inspect.signature(func) signature_str = str(signature) if len(signature_str) > 2: _self = '(self, ' else: _self = '(self' signature_str = class_name + '.' + func.__name__ + _self + signature_str[1:] return signature_str elif inspect.isfunction(func): signature = inspect.signature(func) signature_str = str(signature) signature_str = func.__name__ + signature_str return signature_str def _is_function_or_method(func): r""" :param func: :return: """ if not inspect.ismethod(func) and not inspect.isfunction(func): return False return True def _check_function_or_method(func): if not _is_function_or_method(func): raise TypeError(f"{type(func)} is not a method or function.") def _move_dict_value_to_device(*args, device: torch.device, non_blocking=False): r""" move data to model's device, element in *args should be dict. This is a inplace change. :param device: torch.device :param non_blocking: bool, 是否异步将数据转移到cpu, 需要tensor使用pin_memory() :param args: :return: """ if not torch.cuda.is_available() or device is None: return if not isinstance(device, torch.device): raise TypeError(f"device must be `torch.device`, got `{type(device)}`") for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, dict): for key, value in arg.items(): if isinstance(value, torch.Tensor): arg[key] =, non_blocking=non_blocking) else: raise TypeError("Only support `dict` type right now.") class _CheckError(Exception): r""" _CheckError. Used in losses.LossBase, metrics.MetricBase. """ def __init__(self, check_res: _CheckRes, func_signature: str): errs = [f'Problems occurred when calling `{func_signature}`'] if check_res.varargs: errs.append(f"\tvarargs: {check_res.varargs}(Does not support pass positional arguments, please delete it)") if check_res.missing: errs.append(f"\tmissing param: {check_res.missing}") if check_res.duplicated: errs.append(f"\tduplicated param: {check_res.duplicated}") if check_res.unused: errs.append(f"\tunused param: {check_res.unused}") Exception.__init__(self, '\n'.join(errs)) self.check_res = check_res self.func_signature = func_signature IGNORE_CHECK_LEVEL = 0 WARNING_CHECK_LEVEL = 1 STRICT_CHECK_LEVEL = 2 def _check_loss_evaluate(prev_func_signature: str, func_signature: str, check_res: _CheckRes, pred_dict: dict, target_dict: dict, dataset, check_level=0): errs = [] unuseds = [] _unused_field = [] _unused_param = [] suggestions = [] # if check_res.varargs: # errs.append(f"\tvarargs: *{check_res.varargs}") # suggestions.append(f"Does not support pass positional arguments, please delete *{check_res.varargs}.") if check_res.unused: for _unused in check_res.unused: if _unused in target_dict: _unused_field.append(_unused) else: _unused_param.append(_unused) if _unused_field: unuseds.append(f"\tunused field: {_unused_field}") if _unused_param: unuseds.append(f"\tunused param: {_unused_param}") # output from predict or forward module_name = func_signature.split('.')[0] if check_res.missing: errs.append(f"\tmissing param: {check_res.missing}") import re mapped_missing = [] # 提供了映射的参数 unmapped_missing = [] # 没有指定映射的参数 input_func_map = {} for _miss_ in check_res.missing: # they shoudl like 'SomeParam(assign to xxx)' _miss = _miss_.split('(')[0] matches = re.findall("(?<=`)[a-zA-Z0-9]*?(?=`)", _miss_) if len(matches) == 2: fun_arg, module_name = matches input_func_map[_miss] = fun_arg if fun_arg == _miss: unmapped_missing.append(_miss) else: mapped_missing.append(_miss) else: unmapped_missing.append(_miss) for _miss in mapped_missing + unmapped_missing: if _miss in dataset: suggestions.append(f"Set `{_miss}` as target.") else: _tmp = '' if check_res.unused: _tmp = f"Check key assignment for `{input_func_map.get(_miss,_miss)}` when initialize {module_name}." if _tmp: _tmp += f' Or provide `{_miss}` in DataSet or the output of {prev_func_signature}. ' else: _tmp = f'Provide `{_miss}` in DataSet or the output of {prev_func_signature}.' if not dataset.collater.is_empty(): _tmp += f'Or you need to add `{_miss}` in the output of your collate_fn. ' suggestions.append(_tmp) if check_res.duplicated: errs.append(f"\tduplicated param: {check_res.duplicated}.") suggestions.append(f"Delete {check_res.duplicated} in the output of " f"{prev_func_signature} or do not set {check_res.duplicated} as targets. ") if len(errs) > 0: errs.extend(unuseds) elif check_level == STRICT_CHECK_LEVEL: errs.extend(unuseds) if len(errs) > 0: errs.insert(0, f'Problems occurred when calling {func_signature}') sugg_str = "" if len(suggestions) > 1: for idx, sugg in enumerate(suggestions): if idx > 0: sugg_str += '\t\t\t' sugg_str += f'({idx + 1}). {sugg}\n' sugg_str = sugg_str[:-1] else: sugg_str += suggestions[0] errs.append(f'\ttarget field: {list(target_dict.keys())}') errs.append(f'\tparam from {prev_func_signature}: {list(pred_dict.keys())}') err_str = '\n' + '\n'.join(errs) + '\n\tSuggestion: ' + sugg_str raise NameError(err_str) if check_res.unused: if check_level == WARNING_CHECK_LEVEL: if not module_name: module_name = func_signature.split('.')[0] _unused_warn = f'{check_res.unused} is not used by {module_name}.' warnings.warn(message=_unused_warn) def _check_forward_error(forward_func, batch_x, dataset, check_level): check_res = _check_arg_dict_list(forward_func, batch_x) func_signature = _get_func_signature(forward_func) errs = [] suggestions = [] _unused = [] # if check_res.varargs: # errs.append(f"\tvarargs: {check_res.varargs}") # suggestions.append(f"Does not support pass positional arguments, please delete *{check_res.varargs}.") if check_res.missing: errs.append(f"\tmissing param: {check_res.missing}") _miss_in_dataset = [] _miss_out_dataset = [] for _miss in check_res.missing: if _miss in dataset: _miss_in_dataset.append(_miss) else: _miss_out_dataset.append(_miss) if _miss_in_dataset: suggestions.append(f"You might need to set `{_miss_in_dataset}` as input. ") if _miss_out_dataset: _tmp = f"You need to provide `{_miss_out_dataset}` in DataSet and set it as input. " if not dataset.collater.is_empty(): _tmp += f'Or you need to add `{_miss_out_dataset}` in the output of your collate_fn. ' suggestions.append(_tmp) if check_res.unused: _unused = [f"\tunused field: {check_res.unused}"] if len(errs) > 0: errs.extend(_unused) elif check_level == STRICT_CHECK_LEVEL: errs.extend(_unused) if len(errs) > 0: errs.insert(0, f'Problems occurred when calling {func_signature}') sugg_str = "" if len(suggestions) > 1: for idx, sugg in enumerate(suggestions): sugg_str += f'({idx + 1}). {sugg}' err_str = '\n' + '\n'.join(errs) + '\n\tSuggestion: ' + sugg_str elif len(suggestions): sugg_str += suggestions[0] err_str = '\n' + '\n'.join(errs) + '\n\tSuggestion: ' + sugg_str else: err_str = '\n' + '\n'.join(errs) raise NameError(err_str) if _unused: if check_level == WARNING_CHECK_LEVEL: _unused_warn = _unused[0] + f' in {func_signature}.' warnings.warn(message=_unused_warn)
[文档]def seq_len_to_mask(seq_len, max_len=None): r""" 将一个表示sequence length的一维数组转换为二维的mask,不包含的位置为0。 转变 1-d seq_len到2-d mask. .. code-block:: >>> seq_len = torch.arange(2, 16) >>> mask = seq_len_to_mask(seq_len) >>> print(mask.size()) torch.Size([14, 15]) >>> seq_len = np.arange(2, 16) >>> mask = seq_len_to_mask(seq_len) >>> print(mask.shape) (14, 15) >>> seq_len = torch.arange(2, 16) >>> mask = seq_len_to_mask(seq_len, max_len=100) >>>print(mask.size()) torch.Size([14, 100]) :param np.ndarray,torch.LongTensor seq_len: shape将是(B,) :param int max_len: 将长度pad到这个长度。默认(None)使用的是seq_len中最长的长度。但在nn.DataParallel的场景下可能不同卡的seq_len会有 区别,所以需要传入一个max_len使得mask的长度是pad到该长度。 :return: np.ndarray, torch.Tensor 。shape将是(B, max_length), 元素类似为bool或torch.uint8 """ if isinstance(seq_len, np.ndarray): assert len(np.shape(seq_len)) == 1, f"seq_len can only have one dimension, got {len(np.shape(seq_len))}." max_len = int(max_len) if max_len else int(seq_len.max()) broad_cast_seq_len = np.tile(np.arange(max_len), (len(seq_len), 1)) mask = broad_cast_seq_len < seq_len.reshape(-1, 1) elif isinstance(seq_len, torch.Tensor): assert seq_len.dim() == 1, f"seq_len can only have one dimension, got {seq_len.dim() == 1}." batch_size = seq_len.size(0) max_len = int(max_len) if max_len else seq_len.max().long() broad_cast_seq_len = torch.arange(max_len).expand(batch_size, -1).to(seq_len) mask = else: raise TypeError("Only support 1-d numpy.ndarray or 1-d torch.Tensor.") return mask
class _pseudo_tqdm: r""" 当无法引入tqdm,或者Trainer中设置use_tqdm为false的时候,用该方法打印数据 """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.logger = logger def write(self, info): def set_postfix_str(self, info): def __getattr__(self, item): def pass_func(*args, **kwargs): pass return pass_func def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): del self def iob2(tags: List[str]) -> List[str]: r""" 检查数据是否是合法的IOB数据,如果是IOB1会被自动转换为IOB2。两者的差异见 :param tags: 需要转换的tags, 需要为大写的BIO标签。 """ for i, tag in enumerate(tags): if tag == "O": continue split = tag.split("-") if len(split) != 2 or split[0] not in ["I", "B"]: raise TypeError("The encoding schema is not a valid IOB type.") if split[0] == "B": continue elif i == 0 or tags[i - 1] == "O": # conversion IOB1 to IOB2 tags[i] = "B" + tag[1:] elif tags[i - 1][1:] == tag[1:]: continue else: # conversion IOB1 to IOB2 tags[i] = "B" + tag[1:] return tags def iob2bioes(tags: List[str]) -> List[str]: r""" 将iob的tag转换为bioes编码 :param tags: List[str]. 编码需要是大写的。 :return: """ new_tags = [] for i, tag in enumerate(tags): if tag == 'O': new_tags.append(tag) else: split = tag.split('-')[0] if split == 'B': if i + 1 != len(tags) and tags[i + 1].split('-')[0] == 'I': new_tags.append(tag) else: new_tags.append(tag.replace('B-', 'S-')) elif split == 'I': if i + 1 < len(tags) and tags[i + 1].split('-')[0] == 'I': new_tags.append(tag) else: new_tags.append(tag.replace('I-', 'E-')) else: raise TypeError("Invalid IOB format.") return new_tags def _is_iterable(value): # 检查是否是iterable的, duck typing try: iter(value) return True except BaseException as e: return False
[文档]def get_seq_len(words, pad_value=0): r""" 给定batch_size x max_len的words矩阵,返回句子长度 :param words: batch_size x max_len :return: (batch_size,) """ mask = return mask.sum(dim=-1)
def pretty_table_printer(dataset_or_ins) -> PrettyTable: r""" :param dataset_or_ins: 传入一个dataSet或者instance ins = Instance(field_1=[1, 1, 1], field_2=[2, 2, 2], field_3=["a", "b", "c"]) +-----------+-----------+-----------------+ | field_1 | field_2 | field_3 | +-----------+-----------+-----------------+ | [1, 1, 1] | [2, 2, 2] | ['a', 'b', 'c'] | +-----------+-----------+-----------------+ :return: 以 pretty table的形式返回根据terminal大小进行自动截断 """ x = PrettyTable() try: sz = os.get_terminal_size() column = sz.columns row = sz.lines except OSError: column = 144 row = 11 if type(dataset_or_ins).__name__ == "DataSet": x.field_names = list(dataset_or_ins.field_arrays.keys()) c_size = len(x.field_names) for ins in dataset_or_ins: x.add_row([sub_column(ins[k], column, c_size, k) for k in x.field_names]) row -= 1 if row < 0: x.add_row(["..." for _ in range(c_size)]) break elif type(dataset_or_ins).__name__ == "Instance": x.field_names = list(dataset_or_ins.fields.keys()) c_size = len(x.field_names) x.add_row([sub_column(dataset_or_ins[k], column, c_size, k) for k in x.field_names]) else: raise Exception("only accept DataSet and Instance") x.align = "l" return x def sub_column(string: str, c: int, c_size: int, title: str) -> str: r""" :param string: 要被截断的字符串 :param c: 命令行列数 :param c_size: instance或dataset field数 :param title: 列名 :return: 对一个过长的列进行截断的结果 """ avg = max(int(c / c_size / 2), len(title)) string = str(string) res = "" counter = 0 for char in string: if ord(char) > 255: counter += 2 else: counter += 1 res += char if counter > avg: res = res + "..." break return res def _check_fp16(): if amp is None: raise ImportError("Please install apex from to use fp16 training.") if not torch.backends.cudnn.enabled: raise RuntimeError("Amp requires cudnn backend to be enabled.")