fastNLP.modules.decoder.crf 源代码


__all__ = [

from typing import Union

import torch
from torch import nn

from ..utils import initial_parameter
from ...core.metrics import _get_encoding_type_from_tag_vocab, _check_tag_vocab_and_encoding_type
from ...core.vocabulary import Vocabulary

[文档]def allowed_transitions(tag_vocab:Union[Vocabulary, dict], encoding_type=None, include_start_end=False): r""" 给定一个id到label的映射表,返回所有可以跳转的(from_tag_id, to_tag_id)列表。 :param ~fastNLP.Vocabulary,dict tag_vocab: 支持类型为tag或tag-label。只有tag的,比如"B", "M"; 也可以是"B-NN", "M-NN", tag和label之间一定要用"-"隔开。如果传入dict,格式需要形如{0:"O", 1:"B-tag1"},即index在前,tag在后。 :param str encoding_type: 支持"bio", "bmes", "bmeso", "bioes"。默认为None,通过vocab自动推断 :param bool include_start_end: 是否包含开始与结尾的转换。比如在bio中,b/o可以在开头,但是i不能在开头; 为True,返回的结果中会包含(start_idx, b_idx), (start_idx, o_idx), 但是不包含(start_idx, i_idx); start_idx=len(id2label), end_idx=len(id2label)+1。为False, 返回的结果中不含与开始结尾相关的内容 :return: List[Tuple(int, int)]], 内部的Tuple是可以进行跳转的(from_tag_id, to_tag_id)。 """ if encoding_type is None: encoding_type = _get_encoding_type_from_tag_vocab(tag_vocab) else: encoding_type = encoding_type.lower() _check_tag_vocab_and_encoding_type(tag_vocab, encoding_type) pad_token = '<pad>' unk_token = '<unk>' if isinstance(tag_vocab, Vocabulary): id_label_lst = list(tag_vocab.idx2word.items()) pad_token = tag_vocab.padding unk_token = tag_vocab.unknown else: id_label_lst = list(tag_vocab.items()) num_tags = len(tag_vocab) start_idx = num_tags end_idx = num_tags + 1 allowed_trans = [] if include_start_end: id_label_lst += [(start_idx, 'start'), (end_idx, 'end')] def split_tag_label(from_label): from_label = from_label.lower() if from_label in ['start', 'end']: from_tag = from_label from_label = '' else: from_tag = from_label[:1] from_label = from_label[2:] return from_tag, from_label for from_id, from_label in id_label_lst: if from_label in [pad_token, unk_token]: continue from_tag, from_label = split_tag_label(from_label) for to_id, to_label in id_label_lst: if to_label in [pad_token, unk_token]: continue to_tag, to_label = split_tag_label(to_label) if _is_transition_allowed(encoding_type, from_tag, from_label, to_tag, to_label): allowed_trans.append((from_id, to_id)) return allowed_trans
def _is_transition_allowed(encoding_type, from_tag, from_label, to_tag, to_label): r""" :param str encoding_type: 支持"BIO", "BMES", "BEMSO", 'bioes'。 :param str from_tag: 比如"B", "M"之类的标注tag. 还包括start, end等两种特殊tag :param str from_label: 比如"PER", "LOC"等label :param str to_tag: 比如"B", "M"之类的标注tag. 还包括start, end等两种特殊tag :param str to_label: 比如"PER", "LOC"等label :return: bool,能否跃迁 """ if to_tag == 'start' or from_tag == 'end': return False encoding_type = encoding_type.lower() if encoding_type == 'bio': r""" 第一行是to_tag, 第一列是from_tag. y任意条件下可转,-只有在label相同时可转,n不可转 +-------+---+---+---+-------+-----+ | | B | I | O | start | end | +-------+---+---+---+-------+-----+ | B | y | - | y | n | y | +-------+---+---+---+-------+-----+ | I | y | - | y | n | y | +-------+---+---+---+-------+-----+ | O | y | n | y | n | y | +-------+---+---+---+-------+-----+ | start | y | n | y | n | n | +-------+---+---+---+-------+-----+ | end | n | n | n | n | n | +-------+---+---+---+-------+-----+ """ if from_tag == 'start': return to_tag in ('b', 'o') elif from_tag in ['b', 'i']: return any([to_tag in ['end', 'b', 'o'], to_tag == 'i' and from_label == to_label]) elif from_tag == 'o': return to_tag in ['end', 'b', 'o'] else: raise ValueError("Unexpect tag {}. Expect only 'B', 'I', 'O'.".format(from_tag)) elif encoding_type == 'bmes': r""" 第一行是to_tag, 第一列是from_tag,y任意条件下可转,-只有在label相同时可转,n不可转 +-------+---+---+---+---+-------+-----+ | | B | M | E | S | start | end | +-------+---+---+---+---+-------+-----+ | B | n | - | - | n | n | n | +-------+---+---+---+---+-------+-----+ | M | n | - | - | n | n | n | +-------+---+---+---+---+-------+-----+ | E | y | n | n | y | n | y | +-------+---+---+---+---+-------+-----+ | S | y | n | n | y | n | y | +-------+---+---+---+---+-------+-----+ | start | y | n | n | y | n | n | +-------+---+---+---+---+-------+-----+ | end | n | n | n | n | n | n | +-------+---+---+---+---+-------+-----+ """ if from_tag == 'start': return to_tag in ['b', 's'] elif from_tag == 'b': return to_tag in ['m', 'e'] and from_label == to_label elif from_tag == 'm': return to_tag in ['m', 'e'] and from_label == to_label elif from_tag in ['e', 's']: return to_tag in ['b', 's', 'end'] else: raise ValueError("Unexpect tag type {}. Expect only 'B', 'M', 'E', 'S'.".format(from_tag)) elif encoding_type == 'bmeso': if from_tag == 'start': return to_tag in ['b', 's', 'o'] elif from_tag == 'b': return to_tag in ['m', 'e'] and from_label == to_label elif from_tag == 'm': return to_tag in ['m', 'e'] and from_label == to_label elif from_tag in ['e', 's', 'o']: return to_tag in ['b', 's', 'end', 'o'] else: raise ValueError("Unexpect tag type {}. Expect only 'B', 'M', 'E', 'S', 'O'.".format(from_tag)) elif encoding_type == 'bioes': if from_tag == 'start': return to_tag in ['b', 's', 'o'] elif from_tag == 'b': return to_tag in ['i', 'e'] and from_label == to_label elif from_tag == 'i': return to_tag in ['i', 'e'] and from_label == to_label elif from_tag in ['e', 's', 'o']: return to_tag in ['b', 's', 'end', 'o'] else: raise ValueError("Unexpect tag type {}. Expect only 'B', 'I', 'E', 'S', 'O'.".format(from_tag)) else: raise ValueError("Only support BIO, BMES, BMESO, BIOES encoding type, got {}.".format(encoding_type))
[文档]class ConditionalRandomField(nn.Module): r""" 条件随机场。提供forward()以及viterbi_decode()两个方法,分别用于训练与inference。 """
[文档] def __init__(self, num_tags, include_start_end_trans=False, allowed_transitions=None, initial_method=None): r""" :param int num_tags: 标签的数量 :param bool include_start_end_trans: 是否考虑各个tag作为开始以及结尾的分数。 :param List[Tuple[from_tag_id(int), to_tag_id(int)]] allowed_transitions: 内部的Tuple[from_tag_id(int), to_tag_id(int)]视为允许发生的跃迁,其他没有包含的跃迁认为是禁止跃迁,可以通过 allowed_transitions()函数得到;如果为None,则所有跃迁均为合法 :param str initial_method: 初始化方法。见initial_parameter """ super(ConditionalRandomField, self).__init__() self.include_start_end_trans = include_start_end_trans self.num_tags = num_tags # the meaning of entry in this matrix is (from_tag_id, to_tag_id) score self.trans_m = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(num_tags, num_tags)) if self.include_start_end_trans: self.start_scores = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(num_tags)) self.end_scores = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(num_tags)) if allowed_transitions is None: constrain = torch.zeros(num_tags + 2, num_tags + 2) else: constrain = torch.full((num_tags + 2, num_tags + 2), fill_value=-10000.0, dtype=torch.float) for from_tag_id, to_tag_id in allowed_transitions: constrain[from_tag_id, to_tag_id] = 0 self._constrain = nn.Parameter(constrain, requires_grad=False) initial_parameter(self, initial_method)
def _normalizer_likelihood(self, logits, mask): r"""Computes the (batch_size,) denominator term for the log-likelihood, which is the sum of the likelihoods across all possible state sequences. :param logits:FloatTensor, max_len x batch_size x num_tags :param mask:ByteTensor, max_len x batch_size :return:FloatTensor, batch_size """ seq_len, batch_size, n_tags = logits.size() alpha = logits[0] if self.include_start_end_trans: alpha = alpha + self.start_scores.view(1, -1) flip_mask = mask.eq(False) for i in range(1, seq_len): emit_score = logits[i].view(batch_size, 1, n_tags) trans_score = self.trans_m.view(1, n_tags, n_tags) tmp = alpha.view(batch_size, n_tags, 1) + emit_score + trans_score alpha = torch.logsumexp(tmp, 1).masked_fill(flip_mask[i].view(batch_size, 1), 0) + \ alpha.masked_fill(mask[i].eq(True).view(batch_size, 1), 0) if self.include_start_end_trans: alpha = alpha + self.end_scores.view(1, -1) return torch.logsumexp(alpha, 1) def _gold_score(self, logits, tags, mask): r""" Compute the score for the gold path. :param logits: FloatTensor, max_len x batch_size x num_tags :param tags: LongTensor, max_len x batch_size :param mask: ByteTensor, max_len x batch_size :return:FloatTensor, batch_size """ seq_len, batch_size, _ = logits.size() batch_idx = torch.arange(batch_size, dtype=torch.long, device=logits.device) seq_idx = torch.arange(seq_len, dtype=torch.long, device=logits.device) # trans_socre [L-1, B] mask = mask.eq(True) flip_mask = mask.eq(False) trans_score = self.trans_m[tags[:seq_len - 1], tags[1:]].masked_fill(flip_mask[1:, :], 0) # emit_score [L, B] emit_score = logits[seq_idx.view(-1, 1), batch_idx.view(1, -1), tags].masked_fill(flip_mask, 0) # score [L-1, B] score = trans_score + emit_score[:seq_len - 1, :] score = score.sum(0) + emit_score[-1].masked_fill(flip_mask[-1], 0) if self.include_start_end_trans: st_scores = self.start_scores.view(1, -1).repeat(batch_size, 1)[batch_idx, tags[0]] last_idx = mask.long().sum(0) - 1 ed_scores = self.end_scores.view(1, -1).repeat(batch_size, 1)[batch_idx, tags[last_idx, batch_idx]] score = score + st_scores + ed_scores # return [B,] return score
[文档] def forward(self, feats, tags, mask): r""" 用于计算CRF的前向loss,返回值为一个batch_size的FloatTensor,可能需要mean()求得loss。 :param torch.FloatTensor feats: batch_size x max_len x num_tags,特征矩阵。 :param torch.LongTensor tags: batch_size x max_len,标签矩阵。 :param torch.ByteTensor mask: batch_size x max_len,为0的位置认为是padding。 :return: torch.FloatTensor, (batch_size,) """ feats = feats.transpose(0, 1) tags = tags.transpose(0, 1).long() mask = mask.transpose(0, 1).float() all_path_score = self._normalizer_likelihood(feats, mask) gold_path_score = self._gold_score(feats, tags, mask) return all_path_score - gold_path_score
[文档] def viterbi_decode(self, logits, mask, unpad=False): r"""给定一个特征矩阵以及转移分数矩阵,计算出最佳的路径以及对应的分数 :param torch.FloatTensor logits: batch_size x max_len x num_tags,特征矩阵。 :param torch.ByteTensor mask: batch_size x max_len, 为0的位置认为是pad;如果为None,则认为没有padding。 :param bool unpad: 是否将结果删去padding。False, 返回的是batch_size x max_len的tensor; True,返回的是 List[List[int]], 内部的List[int]为每个sequence的label,已经除去pad部分,即每个List[int]的长度是这 个sample的有效长度。 :return: 返回 (paths, scores)。 paths: 是解码后的路径, 其值参照unpad参数. scores: torch.FloatTensor, size为(batch_size,), 对应每个最优路径的分数。 """ batch_size, seq_len, n_tags = logits.size() logits = logits.transpose(0, 1).data # L, B, H mask = mask.transpose(0, 1).data.eq(True) # L, B # dp vpath = logits.new_zeros((seq_len, batch_size, n_tags), dtype=torch.long) vscore = logits[0] transitions = transitions[:n_tags, :n_tags] += if self.include_start_end_trans: transitions[n_tags, :n_tags] += transitions[:n_tags, n_tags + 1] += vscore += transitions[n_tags, :n_tags] trans_score = transitions[:n_tags, :n_tags].view(1, n_tags, n_tags).data for i in range(1, seq_len): prev_score = vscore.view(batch_size, n_tags, 1) cur_score = logits[i].view(batch_size, 1, n_tags) score = prev_score + trans_score + cur_score best_score, best_dst = score.max(1) vpath[i] = best_dst vscore = best_score.masked_fill(mask[i].eq(False).view(batch_size, 1), 0) + \ vscore.masked_fill(mask[i].view(batch_size, 1), 0) if self.include_start_end_trans: vscore += transitions[:n_tags, n_tags + 1].view(1, -1) # backtrace batch_idx = torch.arange(batch_size, dtype=torch.long, device=logits.device) seq_idx = torch.arange(seq_len, dtype=torch.long, device=logits.device) lens = (mask.long().sum(0) - 1) # idxes [L, B], batched idx from seq_len-1 to 0 idxes = (lens.view(1, -1) - seq_idx.view(-1, 1)) % seq_len ans = logits.new_empty((seq_len, batch_size), dtype=torch.long) ans_score, last_tags = vscore.max(1) ans[idxes[0], batch_idx] = last_tags for i in range(seq_len - 1): last_tags = vpath[idxes[i], batch_idx, last_tags] ans[idxes[i + 1], batch_idx] = last_tags ans = ans.transpose(0, 1) if unpad: paths = [] for idx, seq_len in enumerate(lens): paths.append(ans[idx, :seq_len + 1].tolist()) else: paths = ans return paths, ans_score